celebrating your anniversary

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3rd Person POV

Friday, 12:30pm

You had just finished a whole week of school and today was the day when you could finally meet your girlfriend, Ryujin.

You and Ryujin had been together for almost a year now, and today marks your first year anniversary with her and she was going to pick you up from school to celebrate it with you, together.

Ryujin was busy with work, I mean.. idol things, you know? She was really busy preparing for her new comeback and had been dancing in the studio for endless hours. The thought of that just made you want to hug her so tightly when you finally see her.


I was walking out of my classroom cheerfully as it was finally the last day of the week and I could finally see Ryujin.

I missed her so much. We had been calling each other using Facetime and today was when I could finally see her, hug her and maybe kiss her.

I walked to my locker and unlocked it, grabbing the necessary books for me to bring home for my studies.

I grabbed my books and placed them inside my backpack before walking towards the school gate, where I could see a familiar face walking out of a matte-black car.

"Baby, Is that you?" I heard a voice call out.

I stopped in my tracks as I admired the girl fiddling with her beautiful and glossy black hair. I felt like I was falling in love with her all over again.

She had spotted me, a huge smile formed on her face with her teeth showing a little. She opened her arms wide open, causing me to sprint towards her and collapse into her embrace.

"I missed you, so, so much, Ryujin." I sobbed, small dots of tear droplets forming at the corners of my eye. I was so happy that she was here, in front of me and hugging me.

"I missed you too." Ryujin mumbled, kissing the crown of my head nonstop. I miss this.

She pulled away after a few minutes and grabbed my hands, before interlocking them. I blushed slightly, feeling my ears heat up.

"Come." Ryujin smiled as she helped me inside her car.

As I sat inside of her car, the familiar scent of tangerines wafted my nostrils. "Hey Ryuj-" I asked before getting cut off by a pair of soft lips on mine. Oh, how much I missed this feeling. I thought.

Ryujin placed her hand on the sides of my face as I hovered my hand over to her nape, pulling her closer for a deeper and more passionate kiss. My face heated up even more.

"Happy 1 year anniversary, baby." Ryujin mumbled in between the kiss "The clip looks really good on you."

I pulled away quickly when I heard that, "What clip?"

Ryujin pointed at the clip on my head as I quickly took it off my head and looked at it.

Ah, this sneaky Ryujin.. putting this on my head without me knowing during the kissing. I thought.

"This clip is so cute!! I love it so much, thank you, Jagiya." I smiled, while purposely raising my voice when I called her Jagiya.

Ryujin smiled even more as she pulled me into another hug.

"Did you just call me jagiya?" Ryujin giggled, with her head now resting on the crook of my neck. "Hmm, Do you not want me to call you that?" I teased.

"W- Wait, No I didn't mean that!" Ryujin backed away, panicking.

I snickered at her cute actions.

"I'm just kidding, jagi." I laughed.

"You're so mean." Ryujin pouted "I'm gonna take the clip back." She said as she grabbed the clip from my hand.

"Hey, give it to mee!!" I whined. As we were having a "tug-of-war" with each other, I ended up landing onto Ryujin's chest.

Ryujin grabbed my chin and placed a quick kiss on it.

"I'm just kidding, jagi. I love you so much." Ryujin smirked, attempting to mock me.

I smiled at her, "Haisss, you monkey, I love you so much too."

I'm so happy I met you. Happy Anniversary, Ryujin.

ryujin imagines (f!reader x ryujin)Where stories live. Discover now