*time skip to the funeral day* 

i let everyone have the day off and still no one knew about my husband, not even my sweet caring assistant. i got changed and left to the funeral home, i looked at my husbands body in the casket. my hand was still but everything felt fake, like it was a memory that i was being forced to relive. i finally felt a smile hit my face as the tears rolled down my cheek hitting his cheek. "mrs. l/n?" i turned wiping the tears and my smile. it was that stupid cop again. "why are you bothering me?" i said in hate. "i wanted to apologize, your husband...he was suspected to be part of a gang but it looks like i was very wrong, and i assumed you were part of it but...im just so sorry." i rolled my eyes. "my husband is dead, he was my everything. He helped me out of an abusive household 8 years ago. we were 19. please leave. i don't care what you have to say but this is to hold the memory of my husband and the most amazing man i could have met, i don't need an asshole like you in here." "mam i was just doing my job. im sorry." "i don't care. your job doesn't include talking about me outside of work. your job shouldn't include following me while i make the arrangements for my husband. your job doesn't include you following me to work or putting a fucking tracker on my car." i throw the tracker i found a few hours ago on my car at him. i recall all the times i saw his stupid green hair in the window and him duck so i wouldn't notice him. he looked like he realized he fucked up. "my husband owned a flower shop, i gave him the money to do so after he helped me get my job and when i was on my feet enough to support him i did." he nodded and finally left as others came in to pay their respects. i saw dabi and toga wearing matching necklaces, both definitely being twices ashes. 

"thank you all for coming, and now we...yeah i can't do this. i uh i don't know what to say." dabi walked up and hugged me. i patted him taking a breathe. "aren. damn this asshole had some balls on him. he was insane, and funny, and smart, and from the stories y/n has told us a damn good" "oh look at that everyone leave" i start laughing and the room lit up. they all went up telling embarrassing stories of them and aren, i kept the smile until the very end where i had dabi read the will. everyone said their last goodbyes to me, even arens brother. "im real upset im never gonna see you again." i nodded, "yeah but you know why he did this." he nodded and hugged me, i hugged him tightly back as everyone left. i looked back one last time, "goodbye my love, i really hope you help me find someone who is even half the man you were." i kiss his forehead and the funeral director came back with people to help bring him to the car. i went home, since it was also requested that he was buried at his family's burial place and i wasn't allowed to be there after the funeral. I ripped the stupid heels i was wearing off as i walked up the stairs and bumped into bakugo since i wasnt looking up. "sorry. hey are you ok?" he set his trash down. "fine thanks. hows the car?" i said monotone, wishing i could smile like i did only a few hours ago. "great. its practically new and there almost no miles on it. did he even drive it?" he laughed. "no...he rode his motorcycle everywhere." i laughed a little thinking about how mad it made me but i loved that he never changed who he was even for me. 

"huh well thank you again. hey if you want...im making dinner and i could use the company?" i looked up at him, he looked like he spent the whole day cleaning. "sure. what time?" still in my monotone voice, but he smirked. "ill bring the stuff to your place?" i nodded heading inside to shower and change. i put on a sweater and jeans when i heard a knock on my door. "hey sorry, deku wouldnt let me come alone." i look behind him and see the green haired cop. "youre not allowed in my home." i said crossing my arms after bakugou entered. "please, let me make it all up to you." i turn around at my empty house and roll my eyes, wishing with all my might that i could punch him and nothing bad would happen. "fine. but if you talk at all and i mean even a  word about my husband i will kick you out." he nodded and i shut the door letting the two in. Bakugou started to cook and i grabbed some wine i had in my fridge, i was saving it for my anniversary tomorrow but theres no use it saving it for someone who isnt gonna be there. i pour everyone a glass and go behind bakugou and softly touch his back as i put his glass on the counter beside him. "huh? oh..thank you." i nod. "so why do you talk so...monotone?" i look at the annoying cop. "why does he call you deku?" "ha! its cause it was a mean nickname i used to call him as kids." deku nods. "yeah he was...pretty mean to me as kids." i roll my eyes looking at the muscular blonde cooking in my kitchen. "seems like hes still pretty mean to you now." i shake my head and drink my glass, which causes deku to finally take a sip. "this is good wine whered you get it?" bakugo says sitting with us as the meal cooks in the oven. "huh oh a vineyard in france. it was a gift from my last anniversary." i swirl the glass a little wishing the memories of that weekend would come through the glass. but they dont. "wow, so what do you for a living then?" deku stupidly asks. "you know im a CEO." i say annoyed. "yeah i uh i kinda just" bakugou stops him, thank god. "so is this the reason you gave everyone the day off?" i nodded looking around again at my dark apartment. "wait if youre a CEO why do you live here? this place is kinda cheap why not live somewhere luxurious?" i shrug at the cops question, "never felt like i needed anything else. i was really happy. even if you two stayed up every night fighting and waking us all up." deku apologizes and so does bakugou. the food was ready and we all ate. it was amazing, i thought about making bakugou my personal chef for a second. 

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