"wow...your life before aren...was bad" i nodded drinking the tea she had made me. "so then howd you meet aren?" i thought about not telling her, but ive gone this far. "he...wasnt a good person when he was younger, my dad broke their deal with his family and he came for payment and then...we met. my parents tried to kill us and, yeah." she nodded wanting to hug me. "you can hug me." she jumped at the chance and held me tight as i patted her back. I heard my door knock and told her to get off which she immediately obeyed. it was mina at the door with beer and snacks. "hi." i said looking at her. "so...wanna hang out?" i let her in as well and after the intros uraraka and mina told their life stories as i retold mine for mina. "wow...well now at least we have beer!" i chuckled and opened one. "so then mina, youre not with anyone" uraraka changed the topic smoothly to make the topic better. "oh i was seeing bakugou for like a long time but...ha...i realized im not straight. we ended it on good terms but i dont like being around him too much." uraraka told us about how she hasnt really been into anyone yet. 

the rest of the night we talked about life and other stupid shit, until we realized we were all hungry. "how dont you have any food in your fridge?!" mina asked as i realized i binge ate everything i had. Mina went over to bakugou's place and asked him to cook for us. "what you guys cant cook for yourselves?" he says as he walks in with some ingredients. he moves around my kitchen already knowing where everything is making the other girl make stupid noises and sobering me up quickly. "here let me help." i roll up my sleeves and start washing my hands. "thanks, can you mince?" i nod and he hands me some carrots to mince. the other two are giggling drunkenly and i look out the window to see deku getting ready to call someone. "hey i think your boyfriend misses you" i say teasingly. "do you care if he comes in?" katsuki stops cooking and looks me in the eyes softly. i could feel blush on my face and shrug. "im too drunk to care." he nods with a soft smile and deku comes in shyly. he makes introductions with uraraka and starts drinking with the girls. "hey whats tomorrow?" i look at katsuki who just finished drying his hands. "its sunday. why?" i nod and dont answer him as we finish the meal and watch the group fawning over the shy brunette. "im glad shes having fun. she never does anything for herself." i started drinking water to not wake up sick tomorrow. "what about you? what do you do for yourself?" i look over at the man towering over me with a worried look. "...i drink water." i smile stupidly. he shakes his head with a smile on his face too. we plate the food and everyone starts eating, i offer a place to sleep for my assistant but she ended up going with deku. cant blame her, but at the same time ew. 

"thankssss ill see you two tomorrow!" mina falls out of my place and stumbles next door to hers. "can i ask you something?" i grab the plates to wash them. "anything you wanna know." "why are you and midoriya friends? and why do you guys fight every night?" he starts drying the dishes for me. "well weve just known each other since we were kids, and we fight so much because at first he wanted to help me get a girlfriend and when i finally got one he wanted to me to get a better job then i got that but mina and i didnt stay together so we fought about that....i dont know hes not a bad guy. i just wanna squeeze him like a pimple, i hate him sometimes." i chuckled thinking about that phrase. "you know, youve been laughing alot tonight...must be the drinks." I shrug not thinking, "im not drunk. i only had 2 beers, and ive been drinking water all night too." he looks at you confused. "but your face was red and you said you were drunk?" my eyes widened and i started blushing again. "you know im so grateful you made us food and everything but can you get out now?" i refuse to turn to look at him, he grabs my shoulder and tries to apologize. "bye bakugou." he leaves and i lay in my empty bed again. tomorrow is the last sunday of this month...maybe i should still go. just for old times sake. 

In the morning i pack a small bag and leave. i went for a hike the same one i always used to go on with aren. wed go the same path and wed always leave little notes under a big rock that we would sit on until sunset. 

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