"you ok?" bakugo asked me as toga had left. "yeah my back is killing me. i feel like ive been at my desk all day." he sat on a corner of my desk, his tie half undone and his hair messed up like he ran his fingers through it to let the stress out. "you probably have. whens the last time you stood up and stretched?" he asked lowly. "uh....when was that meeting?" we both laughed a little. i got up and lifted my arms to stretch. hearing my back and arms crack, it felt so good to stand up. "better?" i nodded and smiled as i closed up for the night. "you done too?" i looked at him as he stared at me. "huh? oh yeah i think i left my jacket in my office though." we walked into his office for him to grab it, i looked around it being the first time ive actually looked at his office. "this is bare as fuck dude. you need to make it yours." he walked up to me towering over me, his red eyes piercing into my e/c eyes. "that sentence...it can be construed in a few ways you know." he sounded tired but it put butterflies in my stomach. "yeah i guess it..could." my stomach growling took me back into reality. "have you eaten?" i said as i turned to the door waiting for him. "nah im pretty hungry." i nodded and we headed to our cars. "wanna go get some food?" we drove to a sushi place and when we both went in i saw deku and uraraka on a date. "hey look." i pointed at the couple. "oh fuck we need to avoid those two can you place us anywhere else?" bakugou pleaded to the waitress. "um sure, i have a spot on the rooftop. is that ok?" i nodded and we headed up. "im sorry sir i feel like ive seen you before. have i?" he looked at the girl up and down and shook his head no. she apologized and got us some wine and bread.

"oh you know her dont you?" i laughed after she left. he showed me his phone and the picture deku had sent him hours ago. "whyd you say no?" i saw messages above it with my name but fought the urge to scroll up and handed him the phone. "i dont know, he always sends girls who hes either slept with or ones that...just i cant get along with. mina was the best person hes chosen for me and even her i couldnt really get along with. we fought alot." i nodded understanding that he was just not looking for anyone. i looked over at the romantic view and tried to think of how beautiful it was but all i could focus on was those stupid texts. "its really pretty." i say trying to get my mind off it. "yeah...have you ever been here before? with aren i mean?" i shook my head, "he hated sushi. a shame really. ive only ever been here alone." i thought back to it. i never minded going alone places especially when he hated the food or the place and i enjoyed it. we were both very respectful about that with each other. "can i ask something that will probably ruin the mood?" "huh? uh sure?" "do you have nightmares?" i remembered that he can hear me crying at night. "no..i dont dream actually." "so the..." "the crying is because i miss him. and that bed...being alone in that bed every night hurts." The waitress came back with deku and uraraka and she looked pissed. "have a GREAT night." she pushed a table to ours. and i looked at bakugou with a smile. "a lovely one. isnt that right dear." this lady was being so rude about something personal, she doesnt know whats going on and its very obvious we just left work. our clothes are nice sure but these arent date night clothes. 

"the best." he took my hand and kissed it softly. she scoffed and left asking another server to take care of our group. "welp guess she wont be seeing us anymore." deku said not seeming upset about it. "oh well." bakugou said with a smile. "so you two are dating?" "oh no, she just made me angry by being petty so...i was petty back." "thats not very nice." "aw sweetie im not a nice person. youve seen what ive done to coworkers that make me mad." i pat her hand as she thinks about the rude and petty things ive done over the years to people who make me angrier than im prepared for in one day. we all eat and drink, bakugou was drunk and the rest of us were fine so i asked uraraka to take bakugou's car back and ill take him. we met at the apartments and i went with him into his to put him in his bed. i said goodnight to the other two as they went into dekus place. "hey comeon you cant sleep in your suit, you gotta take it off." i throw his jacket on his table. "you gotta take...take it offff ughhh where am i?" "we are in your apartment. please, katsuki im really tired help me out. i dont want you sleeping like this." "whhhhhyyy do youuuuuu care" he poked my nose making me angry but i let it slide since he drank so much. "Cause youre cute and cute guys dont sleep like slobs. now the shirt." i unbutton it and he takes it off to show his abs and pecks. my brain went to mush and i started to blush. i finally looked up at him after staring for way too long and he was smiling with that stupid cocky grin. "oh you do like me...mmmm" his voice when from silly and cute to way to sexy in one hum. i just stared at his red eyes matching my complection no doubt. "mmm help me, this belt is...hard." i look down to see him actually struggling with the belt, i slowly undo it for him and he gets the zipper and button. then a knock at the door stopped me from helping him any further. it was mina. "hey oh am i interrupting?" she saw a drunk bakugou cursing at her. "nope you just saved me from an awkward work day. night."

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