I'm Sorry, Honeybee.

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This is just an idea that popped up in my head, enjoy!
{Mama is Sally, Mommy is Mina, Serenade uses they/them pronouns}


Mommy gets home in an hour, and mama has been cooking in the kitchen forever! I got to help a little at first, but mama let me have a cheese stick and watch cartoons cuz I was getting bored.
Finally mama gets finished cooking and rushes me to the bedroom to get dressed, because she wants us to look pretty for mommy. I get to pick out my dress, so I pick one with mommy's favorite color, it's one of my favorites too because it's got frillies on it! Mama puts it on me and lets me wear big girl undies, because I feel a bit bigger.
As she finishes getting us all ready to go back downstairs, we hear the front door slam shut, making me flinch for a second, but I think nothing of it because it's mommy! I hear mama giggle as I squeal and run downstairs, almost tripping to get to my mommy and show her what I'm wearing. I see her taking off her coat at the door and run up behind her, bouncing as I wait for her to turn around. "Mommy!! Look, I have a pretty dress on!" I speak excitedly and she turns around, looking me up and down before sighing and walking past me.
Mommy always smiles at me, but she didn't this time.. I slouch my shoulders a little and turn to watch her walk into the kitchen. Mama is standing at the steps and sees my less chirpy face, knitting her brows with concern. Before she can ask what happened, mommy speaks up. "Sally, why is the kitchen a mess?" uh oh. Mommy is using a not nice voice.
Mama looks at mommy with a bit of surprise, but her pretty smile is still there. Mama's smiling, it's okay. "Honey, I made dinner! I plan on getting it cleaned up after, don't wo-" Mommy suddenly slams her cane against the floor, silencing mama and making me whimper lightly. "Don't worry? Sally, I worked all day. I am paying the fucking bills, and I can't come home to a clean house now? You seem to be the one not fucking worrying." I gulp as mommy uses mean words, and mama glances at me softly before looking at mommy. "Mina, please don't swear in front of Serenade. And please don't be upset honey, I'm sure you've had a hard day at work but-"
"But nothing, Sally! Don't tell me what I shouldn't be doing, and Serenade is fine. They can handle it. I'm sick and tired of being told what to do, and I surely don't want you acting like you pay the fucking bills." Mama's face drops, no more smile. "Mina... Mina, y-you told me I didn't need too, that the b-baby needs someone here.. We've talked about this.." She is talking in a sad voice now, and mommy looks even more upset. "So many damn excuses, you're so fucking pathetic! What, you're going to cry now?"
A tear rolls down mama's face and mommy chuckles, that makes mama mad. "FUCK YOU MINA! I'm so tired of you treating me like this!" They start yelling at each other, and I stay frozen in place. I watch them and eventually snap out of it, covering my ears and starting to cry softly. I try to speak up, tell them to stop, but I'm scared they'll get mad at me too. After watching them yell for what feels like hours, they walk into the kitchen where I see mama throw the pan of food she made at the ground as she screams at mommy. I yelp loudly and squeeze my eyes shut, feeling myself struggling to breathe.
I start to cry loudly and before I can think I run to the front door, opening it and quickly running outside where it's pouring rain. I sob hysterically as I run down the road, not knowing what to do or where to go, feeling so scared. I keep running until I trip on a crack in the sidewalk, yelping as I fall and scrape my knees, my hands getting scratched from the pebbles.
I let myself curl into a ball on the sidewalk, blood trickling down my left knee and my pretty dress is getting soaked. I keep crying and realize that I'm all alone, I'm alone. Mommy and mama aren't here.. Mommy, mama! I feel myself regressing quicker than I can control and I start to wail, curling into a tighter ball as I tremble against the wet concrete. I start to get cold, shivering violently as I lay there and look around without an idea of what's happening, but then I feel warmth between my legs. Oh no, I wet myself! I was supposed to be a big girl, mama trusted me!
After what feels like forever of wailing, my eyes close and I fall asleep, still shivering and my skin has grown pale, my lips tinted blue.

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