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At the boy's place, they are all gathered around the dining table while Drew is explaining a few things to them all. Scott's phone rings and he goes to answer it, Harry looking on concerned.

"So, you think Jax is living in our building?" Harry asks aghast

"We think he's posing as a different person. He was able to give over all documents in this other person's name and the only thing he's slipped up is the fact he had to send photo ID; it took two weeks, but the photo was flagged when the background check was run" Drew says

"So, he didn't get the place? they flagged him?" Harry clarifies

"Not quite, usually they do give tenancy if they supply all documents, background checks can take weeks and sometimes months, so they don't usually worry, we're lucky they even ran the check" Drew says

"Shit, but Louis is at home alone" Harry says worried

"You have a private lift, don't you? And security!" Andy clarifies

"Yeah, but we only have security on the bottom floor, Jax can access our lift from different levels" Harry says

The boys look at each other worried, they didn't realise this, they thought Louis would be safe

"But you need a code right" Edward asks

"Yeah, yeah, he doesn't know the code, we changed it when Louis moved in" Harry says relaxing a little

He brings his phone out and texts Louis, hoping to settle his alpha

Scott then walks back into the he room

"Haz, that was security, Someone from our alarm company. They just wanted to let us know our omega was stuck on the bottom floor and needed to reset the lift code, I tried Louis but got no answer, they just wanted to let us know as a curtesy" Scott says

"What? Why would they do that" Harry asks, and his alpha is on high alert

"They said he passed all security questions and sent photo ID straight through via email" Scott says

"Shit, it's Jax not Louis Scott, we took Jax off the security list how did they authorise it" Harry asks

"Maybe he was pretending to be Louis, or the paperwork hasn't gone through, fuck we need to get back to Louis, he didn't answer my calls" Scott says and he's panicking now

The boys all rush to grab what they need and race to Harry and Scott's rover. Drew calling the squad to meet them there

When they get back to the apartment Drew's squad is waiting for him for instructions.

There are two ways into the apartment, the lift and a set of stairs that leads to a private lobby before a set of doors that you enter through the kitchen.

"Harry and Scott put these on under your jumpers" Drew says as he hands them bullet proof vests.

They do as they are told and quickly, needing to get to Louis.

"Now we don't have much time for a plan, you two need to head up, pretend like you're just coming home. I need you to talk to him, calm him. From the cameras he's got a gun, Louis is okay, but I need you guys to try and talk him down as best you can. The squad and I will enter through the stairs and kitchen discreetly and disarm him" Drew says

It's rushed but they need to get to Louis, so they agree, they just hope Louis is okay.

The lift ride up to the floor seems to take forever

"He's okay Haz, everything's going to be okay" Scott says, trying to reassure himself and Harry

"We've got this baby, we can do this, we need to get Louis out of this situation and protect him. We will kill Jax if we need to" Harry says, and Scott agrees

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