5. "lovebirds"

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You lay in bed for countless minutes after you woke up, head pounding so hard that you didn't even want to move. You've never been a morning person, anyway, but it was always so much worse after nights out or even any time you got slightly drunk.

Finally caving and realizing you probably have to get ready for work, you turn your head to see a box of ibuprofen along with a glass of water that was now room temperature on the night stand. JJ was nowhere to be seen, and your alarm had never gone off.

"Fuck, I swear to god if I'm gonna be late on my literal second day-" you muttered to yourself while the blankets got thrown off as you struggled to your feet, making your way to the bathroom to check your appearance and the time.

"Hey! You're finally up." You hear in a soft voice coming from the kitchen. JJ. "Hotch called me earlier, theres no case today and he's letting us have the day off cause someone named Spencer Reid let him know about what went on last night." She rolled her eyes sarcastically, laughing it off as she walked in behind you, a hot mug of tea in her hand.

"Thank you. You're actually my savior for letting me sleep." You smiled and kissed her cheek, the stress sliding out of your head.

"Of course. Also, I hope it's okay I borrowed a few cups and stuff. I left out water and some meds for you and made some tea." JJ replied, gesturing with her free hand toward the nightstand.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks for that too. I would've taken it but I thought I was gonna be late for work." You grinned sheepishly and sauntered toward the kitchen behind JJ.

Grabbing a K-cup pod and taking the used one out of your coffee machine, you leaned your head back and groaned.

"It was an awful idea to let me get drunk last night." You announced.

The blonde laughed and grabbed another mug for your coffee.

The familiar sound of the hot liquid draining out of the Keurig lulled you to a sleepy state once more. "I'm so fucking tired. What time did we get home last night?" You questioned, remembering that she was your chauffeur the previous night.

"Probably like, 12 maybe?" She replied, picking up her phone when she saw a new text from a groupchat that was just created. The top read 'Hottest BAU bitches 👑💋', earning a chuckle from JJ.

"Hey, go check your phone! Penelope made a groupchat for us, look what she named it" She told you, almost snorting.

While the machine still ran, you walked back to your bedroom to attempt to find your phone. Sifting through the messed up, makeup stained sheets you found it in what seemed to be the tightest possible twirl of the cotton and unlocked it, opening the messages app to the same groupchat.

Grinning, you made your way back over to the kitchen while you typed out a response to Penelope's clever title.

Cute name for us! 😊

Penny ❤️‍🔥
The name speaks truth. 😉

Opening the fridge slowly, you reached in to grab the almost-empty carton of almond milk. "I don't know how people drink black coffee. It's just so, bitter." You complained to JJ, who was typing aggressively, with a growing blush on her face.

"I know, Spencer drinks like 50 cups of black coffee every day, no milk or creamer but literally just a shit ton of sugar." She responded, a good 8 seconds later. You almost winced at the name. Spencer. You were going to ask about everything that happened last night, but decided against it since your head was already spinning over the events.

"Who are you texting that's making your face turn bright red." You laughed, lifting yourself up to sit on the counter, almost hitting your head on one of the cupboards.

coffee  ✓ spencer reidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora