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to: alex
from: bella

4:07 PM
miss you! hope you're okay wherever you are (:

4:08 PM
i don't know why, but i felt great today. i smiled, i laughed, and they were genuine.

i don't remember why i laughed, i think i saw a funny post on my phone.

4:09 PM

i lied.

4:12 PM
it wasn't something on my phone.

it was something brad said. but i pROMISE that i stopped laughing right after i realized i was.

4:13 PM
should i hate him?
of course! right?
i mean.. he's basically replacing you.

4:15 PM
i asked my friends if they thought he looked like you. they didn't see it. "the hair maybe?"

i must be imagining things.

4:17 PM
to: bella
from: unknown number


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