Chapter 21: Flames in the Rain.

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[This chapter is from a third person pov]

(A few hours before Nathan enters the dorm..)

"Pick up!"
(N said as he paced around the floor)

Aiden: Maybe his phone is on silent.

N: I don't know, the calls aren't even going through. Has he blocked us?

Aiden: I don't know.. ("Was I too overbearing?" He questioned himself)

Let me message him again.

(Aiden and N had seen a sudden news about an upcoming violent storm.
Nathan has been outside the whole day and doesn't seem to be responding to anything.
Both are worried that he might get caught up in the storm)

Now we just have to wait...

N: I'm tired of waiting.. he hasn't replied to or seen my messages the whole day. Heck this whole week.
("Wait his too..?" Aiden thought to himself.)

I shouldn't have...
(He says softly, but before he could continue, the lights blink to death and come back to life)

Aiden: What the fuck-

N: What was that..?
(The sound of something tapping against their window grew more violent and soon the window slammed open by huge gust of wind)
Oh shit-

(Aiden quickly closes it as the lights dim again)

Aiden: If this goes on.. the fuse might-
(The darkness took over)

(*BOOM* A huge thunder startled them both,
With a scream N grabs onto Aiden, so close that they could hear each other's heartbeats.. which were thumping as fast as a F1 race car..)

You okay...?
(As soon as N realized how close they were, he lets Aiden go, filled with embarrassment N avoids looking at him.)

N: Sorry, I'm just scared of loud sounds..

Aiden: It's okay.. I didn't mind.
(He said sincerely)

Let's light up the room.
(Aiden finds his phone and turns on the flashlight)

N: Man if we were a couple this would be hella romantic.
(He joked, trying to suppress his emotions with humor)

Aiden: Right.... But how?

N: I mean.. you know, lights out, heavy rain..
(Aiden continues giving him a confused look)

Have you ever read a Wattpad book? This is like the perfect time that the protagonist expresses his love for the love interest!

Aiden: Uh huh...
(N facepalmed)

N: Just let it go.
(He plopped on the bean bag)
I would enjoy teasing you more if Nathan was here.. I'm worried.

Aiden: Me too buddy.

N: This is all because of me..
(Aiden raised an eyebrow)

Aiden: What do you mean?

N: How do I say this...?
(He took a deep breath)
I think the reason Nathan is avoiding the dorm is because of me.. I mean I know!
I kind of... God we..
Last Saturday..
We.. had sex.

Aiden: WHAT-

N: Yeah I know, and he has feelings for Titli! I didn't know and got carried away with him. And that's why he's distancing himself I think.. to make sure I get over this and it doesn't happen again..

Aiden: Are.. you joking or something?

N: No...? I'm dead serious..

Aiden: I thought it was because of me..

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