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Never sure

Never settled

Never safe

We roam, prowl, hunt for others

Who see the light

Even in the dark

Never. . .lost

Or found, yet still a part of something

What could be considered a fourth-dimensional being

Trapped within physical bounds

Like chains bound by the throat

Never safe

Never calm

Not quite, yet dense and full of sorrow

Endless internal screams

And please, the voices couldn't care less about

Not once relenting to allow a moment's rest

Never ending

Never resting

Any time is leeching time

As it endlessly feeds on your soul

Giving you the feeling of being

Never sure

Never settled

Never safe

At the day's end the light returns

Not to the eyes

but to the creatures lurking in the darkest depths of your being

The numb, empty, lifeless feeling

Becoming more powerful and permanent as the evening commences

As the moon passes over you

The more

Turns into mindless bliss

As it strips you of what makes you your own being

Never sure

Never settled

Never safe

Your eyes dull out as your body follows after slowly

Even sooner come sleepless nights

Turn into sleepless days, weeks, months


Until the bags under your eyes are heavy

Heavy enough to rip and to tear

Tearing the flesh from your already tattered face

To the floor, your face falls

You one lasting hope for redemption

On the cold, dull tile

In a mass of blood, flesh, and tears

Yet the host as you may seem to be

Lays in silent submission, allowing you to rest assured knowing

Knowing that your

Never sure

Never settles

Never safe

One infinity in this world

Yet you've been shattered into billions of pieces

Enough to cover every inch with some of your mindless sorrow

It's bled you out till there was nothing left

And now its gone

Yet still hear and feel as if you cannot live without it

As this restless and seemingly endless night continues you think

Why was I left thinking that I am

Never sure

Never Settled

Never safe

And will I ever see

The night sky through my own eyes again?


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