Rage Poem

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Tapping toes and lip twitching

Sitting in the back of class in the desk carved into by yours truly

Pushing thru the halls to get to every class as soon as possible

Rushing past people who simply can't seem to walk fast enough

Blanking out after a word you don't understand comes into play

Shoving it all down deep inside of you because

"You a hot head" and you must be reminded

"So many others have it worse" and everyone is entitled to ask you

"Why are you so angry?"

Is it that I don't want to no, it's because I normally don't even know myself

"...will fix it, have you tried this?"

If I could get rid of the aggression I would

Without hesitation I would take your cure and run with it

So others have it harder as if I don't know this

Tell me how that knowledge is going to help me

How is knowing that others are suffering as well is going to help suppress,

the immense pain inside of me

Will seeing someone else in pain get rid of the erg to break out in screams and fists until I can't feel my bloodied knuckles from beating into bedroom walls wonder why

Why does it hurt so bad

Why do I want to hate everything around me, why does it all make me so angry

Nothing can fix this and you want to blame me for my suffering

You don't know what it feels like, nobody does, because nobody is me

And that's okay

Your not me and i'm not you so our pain cant fully be shared

So keep your opinion to yourself and consider yourself lucky I haven't mammed you yet

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