Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Are you alright babe?" Josh ask

"Yea I've just been acting really weird lately." Janet said

"I think we need to go to the doctor." Josh said

"No I'm fine alright." Janet said

"No your not alright come on I'm taking you to the doctors you'll thank me later." Josh said

"Whatever." Janet said rolling her eyes


"Janet Jackson." the nurse says

*Janet and Josh gets up*

"Hi I'm nurse Velez now what brings you in today?" Nurse Velez said

"Well my fiancé has been acting weird lately she's been throwing up almost all day and she's eating stuff that she usually don't eat and I'm very worried about her." Josh said

"Okay well I will be right back." Nurse Velez said

"Okay." Josh said

*30 minutes later*

"Okay ms. Janet I would like for you to go into the bathroom a and pee on this stick." Nurse Velez said

"Okay I'll be right back." Janet said taking the pregnancy stick and heading to the bathroom


"Hey sweetie how are you?" Mrs Garcia asked

"I'm fine thanks for asking." Ari said

"Well Crystal is up in her room you head up there." ms Garcia said

"Thanks." Ari said smiling

"You're welcome." ms Garcia said

"Hey." Ari said peaking her head into Crystals room

"Hey come in." Crystal said

"Sorry about the argument we had last time." Ari said

"Yea me to." Crystal said

"It was a really stupid and dumb fight we shouldn't have had that fight over some dumb boy that only thinks of himself and plus there's a whole bunch of hot guys in high school and we're best friends for life and we shouldn't have let one stupid boy like that." Ari said smiling

"Yea I know that we have to promise not to fight over a guy again." Crystal said

"Agreed let's make a contract saying that so we can remember it." Ari said

"Oh my gosh girl you are crazy." Crystal said smiling


"Congratulations." Nurse Velez

"Congratulations for what." Janet said with a confused look on her face

"Well your pregnant." Nurse Velez said

"Really!" Josh said excited

"Yes you are!" Nurse Velez said laughing

"Did you hear that Jan were pregnant." Josh said

"Yea I heard her." Janet said

"Okay so here's all the pills and the do's and don'ts and stuff that you need to know about pregnancy." Nurse Velez said

"Okay thank you so much." Janet said getting off the bed and heading towards the exit


"I'm starving are you?" Crystal said

"Yes I thought I was the only one." Ari said laughing

"Come on let's go make something then." Crystal said heading towards the kitchen

*10 minutes later*

"That was really good come on let's go so we can start out homework." Ari said getting up from the table

"Ugh do we have to?" Crystal said

"Yes we have to so we can get smart and get into a really good college." Ari said

"Come on everybody isn't like you and college isn't for everybody neither so don't push me into doing something I don't want to do okay." Crystal said

"Okay fine whatever and it wouldn't be my fault that you're be working at McDonald's or any other low paying job for the rest of your life and you wishing that you wouldn't have slated off while you were in school." Ari yelled

"Hey what's going on in here." Ashley ask with a concern look in her face

"Nothing." Ari said

"Okay then." Ashley said


"You know we have to tell Ari you know." Josh said

"Yea I know but not right now okay I just want to go home, relax and sleep alright." Janet said

"Alright." Josh said

*ding dong*

"Hey you guys Ari you dad is here." Ashley yelled

"Okay I'll be right there." Ari yelled

"Hey!" Josh said

"Hi." Ari said

"What's wrong?" Josh asked

"Me and Crystal got into a fight." Ari said

"Again!" Josh said

"Yea it was something stupid." Ari said

"Really?" Josh said

"Yea." Ari said

"Hey! How was it with your dad?" Janet asked

"It was good I had fun." Ari said

"That's good what's wrong with her?" Janet asked

"She and Crystal had a fight." Josh said

"Over what?" Janet asked

"Over doing homework I told her let's work on our homework and she just started bitching out on me about school and stuff and I told her it wouldn't be my fault if she ended up working at McDonald's or any low job for the rest of your life and you wishing that you wouldn't have slated off while she was in school." Ari said

"Hey watch your mouth and that's good that you said that maybe she'll finally realize that what she does in school will effect her in life once she's out." Janet said

"You know I never liked her when Ari would tell her that you guys need to start your homework or project I don't think she's the right friend for you anyway." Josh said

"Yea I'm thinking of not being her friend any more." Ari said

"Yea that's good cause you need friends who will work with you when you need to get stuff done." Janet said

"Yea." Ari said

Are you guys happy that Janet is pregnant

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