Chapter Thirty One

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"Thanks Rebbie." Janet said

"You're so welcome I'm always happy to help." Rebbie said smiling

"So how did it go with your aunt?" Janet asked getting into the car

"It was really good I really did needed it I think it help a lot." Ari said

"Well I'm glad that it helped." Janet said smiling

"Yea me to now I can't wait until it's here." Ari said getting excited

"I know me to but we have 7 more months to go." Janet said smiling

"I can't wait." Ari said

"Me neither." Janet said

"Can I ask you something?" Ari said

"Yea sure what is it." Janet said

"How come you quit singing?" Ari asked

"I didn't quit singing I just took a break from it." Janet said

"For 14 years and plus the time you are with Andrew." Ari said

"Yea that's a pretty long time." Janet said laughing

"When do you think you're going to get back to singing?" Ari asked

"I have no clue with us planning a wedding and me being pregnant it's going to be a while." Janet said

"Well I hope soon because when you're happy I'm happy and I don't like to see you not doing what you love because of me." Ari said

"It's okay I'll get back into singing the reason why I didn't start singing again it's because I had you and everything that's been happening to me right now maybe when the baby is a year old I'll get back into acing and singing." Janet said

"Okay good because you need a break from me and dad and Josh basically everything that's been happening." Ari said

"Yea I know but I think the people will think I'm old and irrelevant because I've been out the entertainment business for a long time." Janet said

"How can you said you are irrelevant because you're not you fans miss you dearly I bet and eager for you to come back and connect and be interactive with them again." Ari said

"You know you are very smart for your age." Janet said giggling

"Yea I heard." Ari said laughing

Here's a quick update for you guys sorry if this is short or boring I try not be gone so long and make y'll wait for a long time for a new chapter hope you like it and comment

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