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[{Your P.O.V}]

[{Location - Capsule Corp}]

[{Time - 05:48 am}]

It was finally over. The Tournament of Power had come to end. Currently, all of us that had participated stood at the front of Capsule Corp and watched the sun rise

Nobody knew that we were back yet and maybe that was a slightly good thing for me as I finally decided to break the silence

Me: Well, that was definitely one hell of a final battle

Dad: Haha! You got that right son but I can already feel that we'll be fighting someone even stronger than Jiren soon

Me: Hmm... It's a shame that I'm going to miss that fight then

Gohan: Huh? What do you mean lil' bro?

Dad: Yeah, what do you mean?

Me: Mom didn't tell you, Gohan? I can understand why she didn't tell dad, but you? What did you do to piss her off?

Gohan: Mom didn't tell me anything. What's going on lil' bro?

Me: I've decided to go with Yukari to Yokai Academy for her protection. She's still young and being a witch, she's very likely to be picked on so I asked mom to sign me up for the school too. The Tournament of Power was my final fight with you all until the inevitable next big bad shows up

Tien: What you're doing for your little sister is honourable but why didn't you tell us?

Me: When could I have? We've been in a state of crisis with the tournament around the corner and with all the stress that we already had with the stakes of who won prevented me from saying anything

Frieza: Sounds to me like you were just playing chicken until you knew for sure that we'd win

Me: Tch. I'm not you, Frieza. I knew that we'd win but I didn't want anyone distracted or stressed even more by my decision

Vegeta: Whatever the reason may be, he's right. If he had told us about this before the tournament then Kakarot's head wouldn't have been in the game, much less Gohan or even myself

Hearing these words coming from my father's rival and the person that had indirectly taught me so much about the Saiyan race made me throw up a smirk and taunt him slightly

Me: Secret care there, Vegeta?

Vegeta: Tch. Shut up!

Everyone besides Vegeta and Frieza laughed a little at the Prince's secret care for me but I knew that it was time that I go and get ready to leave with Yukari for the bus

Me: Well, as much as I'd love to stay and keep chatting, I have to go and get ready to wake Yukari for us to leave for the bus to school

Tien: I see. Well then, it was an honour to fight by your side, (Y/N)

Krillin: Yeah, keep up your training and try and visit as much as you can

Me: The honour was mine and I'll try my best but my schedule will become pretty packed

Piccolo: Stay safe, alright? You Saiyans seem to attract danger like it's your best friend

#17: Don't overwhelm yourself with too much work. If you need to relax then you'll always be welcomed at the ranch

Me: No promises on that danger part Piccolo, and thanks 17. I'll keep that in mind

#18: Don't slack in your school work and don't try and go through school alone. Make friends and maybe even try and find yourself a girlfriend, understand?

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒂𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔' [{Remastered}]Where stories live. Discover now