Spectre 6 Part 2

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In the aftermath of the rebel attack a Imperial medical vehicle had rushed over to where the Convoy was providing the injured troops with medical attention.

Task master Grint and his squad were at the most critical condition amongst all the troopers and had to be escorted back to Imperial HQ for emergency medical attention. This left Jit and Aresko at the drop off point where Aresko was having his shoulder inspected and treated by a medical droid.

Groaning in pain Aresko said to himself "How could we have let this happen? We were on full patrol and took every precaution necessary for tonight".

A voice then coldly answered him saying "Apparently not officer.". Aresko looked up and flinched a bit as he looked at his superior the ISB agent Kallus. Kallus looked at Aresko with a cold hatred in his eyes at the officers failure to protect this convoy saying "You were responsible for tonight's important exchange and had every resource available to you to ensure that this exact situation wouldn't happen".

Raising his hands up as if expecting to be punched Aresko said "Agent Kallus this hasn't happened before to us. How was I supposed to know that we would be attacked. I mean who would be foolish enough to steal Demon Scars resources and risk his wrath?".

"Well apparently you have the answer to that. Let's just hope that whatever these rebels stole from you wasn't of any importance to Demon Scar" Kallus said.

However a sudden cold chill hit everyone's back as they heard the sound of a familiar voice say "I think I should be the judge of that one. Agent".

Everyone in the vicinity slowly looked over to the source of the voice seeing a figure standing in the shadows glaring at all of them. Stepping out into the light was a young man in his mid teen years with brown hair and hazel eyes. The boy walked over to the imperials, specifically where the higher ranks were at and looked around commenting "Seems like you all had quite a night".

Very nervously as Kallus looked at the teen and said "D-demon Scar, it is a pleasure to be in your presence". Kallus then gave the boy designated as Demon Scar and very low bow of respect, but Demon Scar however didn't pay any attention to his bow and said bluntly "Stop your groveling agent. Explain to me what had happened here".

Gulping as he was talked down on Kallus said "A rebel cell who has been occupying Lothal for a extensive amount of time has attacked us while we were waiting for you to arrive. I promise you Demon Scar we will catch these rebels and make them pay extensively for what they have done".

Demon Scar however paid no mind to Kalluses empty promises instead walking over to the crates to inspect them. Looking around Demon Scar commented "None of these crates look damaged. They don't even look like they've been opened.". Demon Scar then glared at Kallus which froze the ISB agent as he said in a very cold and harsh tone "Which means these rebels stole the Data I had demanded from you".

Almost breaking into a cold sweat Kallus said "Y-y-yes sir that is what they ha-". But he was interrupted by Demon Scar who began explaining "Do you understand what this data I had demanded is worth to me? I charged you imperials with providing me with this information that I require for my future plans and you just let these rebels that you have failed to capture just take it? I would have been fine if they had stolen the crates of food and other commodities as they are easily replaced, but that data is a one of a kind that you don't have in your possession".

Backing up slowly in fear as Demon Scar approached him Kallus held up his hands saying "Listen Demon Scar I understand that we messed up, but I promise you we will get that data back. We just need some time to find these rebels".

Before Kallus or Demon Scar could say anything else Officer Jit suddenly stood up and pulled out a blaster aiming it at Demon Scar remarking "Unfortunately for you Demon Scar you won't have the time to see that Data".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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