Hottie at Home

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Slight disclaimer: He abuses a cat but that's only because he's Eren Jaeger but just as a cat

Levi POV:

After that trash concert, I took my black horse (which was way too big for him to climb onto but he did anyway cause he's Levi) and rode home. I have zero clue why that little Nazy Z, or whatever his name was, threw his phone number at me after I told him that he's trash. Must just be another simp ig. Anyway, I opened my front door and walked over the "MARRY ME SENPAI" letters to the living room where I saw my cats Eren Jaeger and Hange. I found Eren in a box on the street and you can't go anywhere near him without him attacking you. I hate that cat. On the other hand Hange, my queen was given to me for an act of worthiness (he went an entire day without saying any poop jokes or holding cups the way he normally does, it was the worst day ever of his life). Hange is the most beautiful and precious cat anyone has ever seen, she is the superior being. I walked to the couch and dropkicked Eren out of my seat (only animal abuse I'll allow). I sat down next to Hange and contemplated life for a bit. 

After a while, I got bored and decided to text the little Y guy. I summoned the paper I ate out of thin air cause I'm Levi and I'm more powerful than Goku. 

"Hey tiny A guy, it's captain Levi here and I just wanted to remind you that you're still trash :)"I texted him.

He didn't respond so I threw my phone at Eren cause why not. I decided to get my 2 hours of sleep for the month and I fell asleep right there while Hange sleeps on me and Eren hissing at the wall.

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