Deal (Dean/AJ)

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{Happy Birthday Whitney}

He quickly exited the building, his duffle-bag slung over his shoulder. He quickly tugged the hood of his sweatshirt out from under his leather jacket as he walked. The snow crunched beneath his feet, the only sound in the dimly lit parking lot.

He made his way to his rental car, pulling the keys out of the pocket of his worn jeans. He had been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed the car parked beside his.

He was certain he was the last person to leave the locker-room and he believed that all of the divas had gone to a local club before heading back to the hotel.

Jon walked around to the driver's side of his truck. He stopped at the tailgate.

April Mendez, better known as WWE Diva AJ Lee, was on her hands and knees in the snow, peering underneath her small, black rental. Jon watched as she dropped down to her elbows, reached under the car, and then growled in frustration.

He leaned against the side of his truck, his hands stuffed into his pockets and his feet crossed at the ankles and watched as she repeated this pattern several times.

"Hey, you need some help?" He smirked when she jumped, turned and glared at him through narrow eyes. "Well, if you're going to give me that look..."

She sighed. "Sorry, you scared me. How long have you been standing there?"

"Just a few minutes," He laughed when she frowned angrily. "Hey, I offered to help, didn't I? What are you trying to do anyway?"

"There's a baby kitten, it crawled up under my car and I can't get it out. I'm afraid to start the car; I don't want to hurt it."

"That is quite the dilemma. Want me to try?"

She perked up, a smile curving her lips. He couldn't deny that he loved the way her eyes lit up when she smiled. "I'd owe you big time."

"I know what you could do to repay me."

She looked apprehensive; then titled her head slightly to the side, "and what's that?"

"Have dinner with me." He said, getting down on his knees beside her. "My place, Saturday, I'll cook."

"You're going to cook?" She bit her lip, stifling a giggle. Instead of being offended, it made him smile too.

"Yes, Mendez, there are some men who can cook." He gave her a pretend dirty look, "Do we have a deal?"

She smiled, "Deal."

Jon dropped down onto the ground and crawled under the car. A minute later he saw April's face by the wheel well, peering underneath the car to see what he was doing. He smiled, shaking his head, then, after locating the kitten, carefully pulled it from its perch by the engine. He held it close to his chest as he slid out from under the car. "It was just trying to keep warm. If you had started the car, it probably would have killed it."

April nodded, taking the kitten from his arms and petting it gently. It curled up in her arms, eyes closed. "Thank you, Jon." She leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"You're welcome, April. You're pretty good with that kitten. Are you going to keep him?"

"I might." She smiled and got to her feet. He followed her lead, standing up before unlocking his car doors. "I'll see you tomorrow night."

"See ya, and don't forget about this weekend." He said, pulling the driver's side door open for her. He watched as she slid inside.

She smiled up at him, "Don't worry I won't."

He closed the door and watched as she pulled away.

The weekend couldn't come soon enough.

Disclaimer: I do not own Jon Good or April Mendez..

originally publised 09-15-13 on FFNET

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