What If I Told You (Dean/Kaitlyn)

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[an] For anyone who doesn't know Kaitlyn's real name is Celeste.I mostly refer to her as Kaitlyn in this oneshot, but there are a few moments where her admirer calls her Celeste.

What If I Told You

WWE diva Kaitlyn stuffed her ring attire into her bag and zipped it tightly. She had just lost her diva's championship to her best friend AJ. She brushed furiously at the tears streaking her flushed cheeks and sighed. She wasn't angry at AJ. AJ deserved the diva's title just as much as she did. She wasn't even angry that she had to lose the title. She just wished that the writer's had put more effort into her title reign. She had worked so hard to improve and she felt like she could have had a better title reign if creative had put in their part.

Kaitlyn sat down on the bench next to her duffel bag. She thought about joining the other divas – who were all crowded around the monitor watching the match going on in the arena, but she felt like being alone. She leaned back against the lockers and took a long sip from her water bottle. She knew there would be another opportunity, another chance at the belt, but that didn't ease the sadness inside of her.

She jolted when she heard a rustling by the door. She looked over and saw a white envelope just underneath the door. She rose and went over and picked up the paper. Her name was scrawled across the front, in unfamiliar handwriting.

She quickly ripped open the envelope, curiosity getting the better of her. Inside was a single piece of white paper. She unfolded it. The same unfamiliar writing covered the small slip of paper.

You should still be champion.

Kaitlyn stared at the paper before reading it a second time. Who would send her this? Everyone knew she was going to lose the title that night and most people seemed to be for the title change, believing it was AJ's time. She folded the paper and tucked it into the pocket of her jeans.

How strange, she thought, as she collected her belongings and headed for the rental she shared with AJ.


The Next Monday, in Hartford Connecticut, Kaitlyn carried her bag into the locker room. She was supposed to have another segment with AJ, leading up to their rematch at the Pay per View the following Sunday. She made her way to the diva's locker room. She left her bag on the bench and headed for catering. She met with AJ and discussed their skit for the show. Once she had finished her salad and bottled water, she headed back to the lockerroom.

When she walked inside she found another note. This time it was lying atop her duffle-bag. She looked around the locker room, but she was completely alone. Could a diva be leaving these notes? Who else would be in the locker room? A member of the crew, maybe?

Kaitlyn seized the envelope and tore it open. She unfolded the slip of white paper and read.

Good luck tonight.
I'm always rooting for you.

Kaitlyn read the note a few more times before tucking it back into the envelope. It didn't sound like something one of the divas would write. Could it be a fan?

But how would a fan get backstage and would they travel all the way from Texas to Connecticut just to leave a message? She sighed, confused. It had to be a member of the crew or someone on the roster. There was no other explanation.

The only question that remained was why?


He watched her as she left the arena with AJ. She was beautiful, in her own way. Completely comfortable in her own skin. He leaned back against the cold brick wall and smiled. Hell, if people knew what she did to him his reputation would be shot.

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