Chapter 2

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Honestly what's with that girl? Out of everyone I have kidnapped she's the most dangerous one. I say that because there are people who have three different personalities when it comes to kidnapping them.

One- there's the cryer begging for there life. Two- the one that tries to fight which is in all honest my favorite. Mostly because I love a good fight every now and then. And then you have your crazy ass ones who are not afraid. It's almost like, they enjoy getting kidnapped. Those are the type that scare me the most. It's like there not afraid of anything which makes it super hard to torment them.

Ugh, well whatever! At least she's cute.... Fuck me. I gotta go back. I need proof that I have there daughter which means I'm going to have to cut her hair. Surly that will scare the shit out of her.

Taking a deep breath as I adjusted my pirates hat I kick the door open making the girl look towards me unfazed.

Yep. I sense an Immense amount of danger radiating from this girl. The faster I get rid of her the better.

Taking a deep breath I smirk as I pull out a pair of scissors I keep hidden in my boots. Because well, you never know when your going to need them. See her light green eyes glance down at the scissors I could see concern flash in her eyes as my grin widened.

Wrapping my hand in her hair as I pulled I couldn't help but admire how soft her hair was. It was said women who are nobles treasure there hair greatly, heh. Let's see how she acts once I cut it!

Cutting her hair to her shoulders I couldn't help but chuckle as I watched a few strands of hair fall in front of her face. And yet... THIS BITCH WAS SMILING! Are you fucking kidding me?! She's a noble and I just cut her hair!

"Thank you. I always wanted it cut."

Anger consumed me as I stormed out of the room while slamming the door.

This bitch. She maybe smiling now but I will make her cry.

Storming to my room I write the letter to her parents.

I have your daughter. If I don't receive 700,000 in cash by tomorrow night at (xxxxx) then I will kill your daughter!

Putting a good chunk of hair in the envelope I have one of my crew members deliver the letter. That night I couldn't stop thinking about that girl. Why was she so happy? I mean I had just kidnapped her and ruined her wedding day. Unless... unless she didn't want to ma- HA no way! She was supposed to be married to the prince of the East. Every girls dream is to marry a prince.

...The next Night...

I didn't feed nor visit the girl as time slowly passed by. And when the time came to cough her up, I put on a brave face as I entered the room and put a sack over her head.

"Where are we going? I was just starting to like it in there."

"SHUT UP!" I yell while smacking her upside the head. God she's so annoying. I was just starting to like it my ass. Maybe she can sense how annoyed I'm getting. Either way by tonight she will be out of my hair.

Sure enough there was a man in a fancy suit waiting patiently. He seemed older. Was that maybe her father? Surly not. I've been doing this for a few years now and nobles always send some lackey to do there dirty work.

"Do you have the money?" I ask sternly. Something seemed odd. He almost seemed sad. What game is he trying to play?

"No. I don't have your money."

"Rupert? Is that you?"

Smacking the girl in the head I lecture her again.

"I thought I told you to shut up! Why don't you have my money?!" Surly they want her back.

He was quite for a good few minutes as he struggled on what to say.

"The Noble I work for has sent a reply to your letter which is what I'm here for. He says-"

Clenching his fists I could tell what he was about to say hurt him more then anything. But what was he trying to say?

"He says, Kill her."

Shock consumed my body.

"Your kidding. Right? Isn't she supposed to marry the king?!" Again he looked disgusted yet angry at the same time.

"My employer didn't want to tell his daughter the truth on that matter but in reality she wasn't supposed to marry the king of the East. Rather she was meant to be his concubine. He only told her she was marrying the prince so that she wouldn't try running away. But seeing as to how you kidnapped her and asking an insane amount of money. The King of the East refused to pay it especially for someone of her status. Which in turn made her fathers decision."

"She's a noble isn't she?! Shouldn't a father do everything in his power to protect his daughter?!"

"Why do you care? Your just going to kill her, are you not?"

"I am. I just want to know why her own family isn't trying to save her before I end her life. Doesn't she deserve that much?" I ask sternly as he clenched his jaw.

"Her father isn't her father. That's all you need to know. I don't need someone like you speaking Ill of him. Now I believe that is all I came here to say."

I watched him turn around as he slowly made his way out the door. However not before whispering a few words of regret.

"I'm sorry Leah."

And with that, he left. Feeling angry I am suddenly remembered of my past. My mother had kicked me out because I wasn't her daughter. You could say our roles are pretty similar but... I never go back on my word.

Slamming the little girls back up against the wall I take off the sack on her head only to see strand of tears rolling down her cheeks as she smiled. Pulling out my dagger I push it up against her throat only to wavier as her eyes showed defeat, betrayal and sadness.

I had loathed this girl from the moment I met her. But now, Now I just- Dropping my dagger onto the floor I reluctantly pull her into a hug as she sobbed in my arms.

I couldn't do it. Truth be told. I see a lot of myself in her. I had to help her.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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