Crying. |Part 1|

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As I sat in my dimly lit room my phone became bright from a text message. I look over, vision blurred from tears in my eyes, and shakily grab my phone. Trying my best to read the text from my lover.

Dreamy<3: Hey, I'm heading home soon, but I'm going to stop at the store before. It might take a while, need anything? XX

George: No, I'm alright, I have everything I need. I type out my message with shaky hands, somehow not misspelling anything, knowing damn well Dream is lying.

Dreamy<3: Okay baby, love you, be home soon XOXO

I don't even bother to try and respond as my quiet crying becomes sobbing. I throw my phone across the room, hearing it clatter to the floor. I lay down and shove my head into my pillow, desperately trying to muffle my loud sobs. It doesn't work, per usual. I sit up, trying to grasp for air. I regain my breath as I continue to sob, getting up from the comfort of our bed and walking to the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom, subconsciously slamming the door, locking it. When I look in the mirror all I see is a pathetic loser. Someone who can't keep their composure for the life of him. Someone whose not ever good enough for his lover. A man, no wait- not a man, a fucking coward. I'm such a coward I can't even confront my cheating partner.

I ball my hands into fists, getting angered by my lack of boldness lately. I don't do the things I used to anymore. I barely even think of Dream anymore. I can't stand to look at that raging bitch. He doesn't even know I know. And I preferred to keep it that way, until tonight. Tonight's the night I confront him and break it off. I can't handle it anymore- the constant agonizing pain when he comes home with fresh hickeys, fresh bites all over  his neck and collarbone. Not even bothering to fucking cover them up. He thinks I'm too preoccupied with my phone or computer to notice anything but Oh my god is he fucking wrong. I notice everything, the way he almost limps to the bed, the way he looks dazed when he gets home, the way his hair is all ruffled and still damp after getting fucked by his best friend.

But tonight's different.

I'm not letting this bullshit go on any fucking longer.

Tonight's the night I leave. For good. Make him regret ever even thinking about letting Sapnap fuck him up.

Tonight, I'm not a coward. Tonight I'm a man. And once I leave this wretched place, I will never  let anyone walk all over me like I let Dream do.

_Time Skip!!_

I'm sitting on his bed, waiting for the car engine in our- no, his, driveway.

Once I hear it I immediately get up off the bed, walking to the door, opening it and slamming it behind me as I walk down the stairs to the livingroom we were once happy in.

He walks in, looks at me, seeing I'm visibly angered.

"George? What's wr-" He tries to ask what's wrong but I cut him off.

"Shut your fucking mouth you dirty liar." I almost, almost, yell.

He looks at me, shock and worry evident on his face.

I look up into his eyes, angry tears already starting to form, "I hate you, you know that? I'm so fucking sick of being toyed with Dream! I know what you do with Sapnap. I fucking know, Dream." I say, feeling hot tears starting to stream down my face.

"Geor-" He tries to speak, I cut him off again.

"No, Dream. You don't get to speak. You don't get a fucking say  in this. I hate you for everything you've been doing. I know you've been screwing with Sapnap! I know it Dream! I see the hickeys and bites on your neck when you get home, every. Single. Fucking. NIGHT! AND I'M SICK OF IT!" I scream at him, trying not to break down.

He doesn't try and speak, he doesn't try to justify himself, he just let's tears fall.


"I..." Dream starts. "I'm..sorry. I-I didn't- I didn't think-" I cut him off.

"STOP PUTTING ON A FUCKING SOB STORY, I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT WHAT YOU THOUGHT! I'VE BEEN SITTING IN THAT BEDROOM FOR HOURS ON END CRYING BECAUSE I FELT LIKE I WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU! I LOVED-" At this point I can't take it anymore and fall to my knees, shaking. Crying. Sobbing, into my hands. I feel someone  gently grab my arms and pull my damp hands away from my tear streaked face. Dream is looking directly into my eyes, tears streaming down his face as well, I find my self looking into his eyes, feeling guilt wash over me. "I...I loved you Dream, and betrayed me..." I choke back some sobs.

"George I'm sorry, I've been a total ass to you and you don't deserve that, I'm sorry..I'm so fucking sorry." Dream keeps repeating I'm sorry to me as he pulls me onto his lap. I almost give in, I try not to, really hard. But to no avail. I sob into his clothed chest, soaking his shirt immediately. He hugs me tightly, leaning him head onto my shoulder as he keeps whispering 'I'm sorry's and 'Please, forgive me's. I don't want to forgive him. He doesn't deserve it. But I can't bring myself to tell him that. I still love him. And I'm pissed at myself for loving him.

After a few minutes of me calming down I lift my head off his chest, causing him to lift his head off my shoulder, so I can look him in the eyes. " y-you.." I choke back a cry as I say this.

He cups my face, "I love you too, George" he whispers.

After a few seconds of staring into his beautiful eyes he speaks, "I never meant to hurt you.. You just stopped paying as much attention to me as you used to and it I resorted to Sapnap, I know I shouldn't have. And I'm sorry, but I'm going to break it off with him, just stay with me, please?"

I stay quiet, then shake my head, then speak. "I'm sorry, I can't, I don't think I'll be able to trust you after what you did." I look down, fiddling with the hem of my shirt, feeling oddly better.

Dream gives a weak smile as tears flood his face again, "Okay, that's fair. Can we at least stay friends?" His voice cracks, making me regret what I had said.

I slowly nod, then speak. "If you remove all attachments to Sapnap I'll stay your..boyfriend..and ill forgive you, but you have to promise me to never, ever, pull some bullshit like that again." I look up at Dream, seeing the relief on his face right before he pulls me into what I believe is the tightest bear hug ever. He sobs into my shoulder as I move one of my hands to mess with his gorgeous dirty blonde hair. I feel, much, better after talking to him. No more guilt, no more sad. Just pure love for my one and only.

Okay. Ngl. I teared up while writing this but I'm going to make an alternative ending for when George actually leaves Dream :) Bye!~

Word count: 1302

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