Crying. |Part 2.|

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I sat on our bed, crying. I see my phone slightly light up the room, I shakily grab it. Seeing a text from my lover.

Dreamy<3: Hey, just got off of work. Heading to the store then home, need anything? XX

George: No

Dreamy: K. Love you XOXO<33

I know he's lying, that's what he does. That's what he's best at. Lying. Dream the cheating, liar. Liar. What a cheap excuse for a partner. I quickly stop my tears, getting up from the bed and grabbing a bag, packing it jam full with almost all my clothes. All of them smell like him and I can't help but start to question my decision. No. No, this is right. He's a cheater.

After I'm done packing my bags with almost all of my items I hear the car door shut, then walking up to the front door. I quickly exit the bedroom and go to the living room. Being met directly by Dream.

"George, my love, h-" Dream tries to speak, but I cut him off.

"Don't, I don't want to hear it. I've had enough of you. I'm sick of you. I'm sick of how you treat me. I'm sick of getting cheated on. I'm sick of it. And frankly, I'm done with it. I'm leaving. Don't try and tell me some shitty sob story." I'm looking directly into Dreams tear glossed eyes.

He silently nods, letting me do as I please. I watch a tear streak his handsome face. I don't feel bad, I don't feel sad, I feel great. Finally getting away from this one-sided relationship. I go to the bedroom, grab my bags, head back to the living room, see Dream on the couch with his hands over his face, then look away and leave the house. I set my bags in the trunk of my car and go back in the house to be met directly with Dream.

He's crying. Tears leaving streaks on his perfectly tanned face.

He hugs me.

I pull back.

He hugs me tighter.

I give up. Letting him hug me and cry into my shoulder, I pat his back gently.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please, don't leave" He pleads.

"I can't go on like this any longer Dream. I don't deserve what you've done to me. I don't." I reply, subconsciously rubbing comforting circles into the small of his back.

He just keeps sobbing into my shoulder, I can feel the dampness.

"Its okay, I'm not mad, I just- need to leave this place, this relationship. I might be back, I might not. That depends on how you make yourself better." I say this quietly, almost in a whisper.

He doesn't say anything.

"Dream, do you want me stay here? I don't want you to be all worked up and hurt yourself if I leave." I say, meaning it.

He nods, still crying. Still hugging me.

"Okay, let's go to your room, we can cuddle, that sound good?"

Dream nods again then let's go of me, grabbing my wrist gently, walking to the bedroom. I follow.

Once we get to the bedroom Dream lays down on his bed and I lay down next to him, he immediately pulls me very close to him and hugs me, I hug back but I only use one hand because my left hand has gone up to his hair and started to play with Dreams soft hair.

After a while I hear soft snoring, I look at Dream and see he's asleep. I want to leave, but I don't at the same time. He looks so peaceful, sleeping in my arms. I continue to play with his hair, looking at him, smiling slightly.

_Time Skip!!_

I open my eyes slightly, feeling the hot sun shine on my face from the open blinds. I look at Dream and see he is still asleep, I never want to leave, but I have to at some point. I know I do. I know I'd feel better if I left. But I can't being myself to while Dream is sleeping. I can't just up and leave without warning.

After a few minutes Dream finally opens his eyes, looking up at me, he smiles, seeing I stayed. I can't help but smile back and hug Dream tighter. I love him, I can't leave. I can't.

"Are you going to leave..?" Dream asks, voice groggy from just having woke up.

I hesitate, but nonetheless nod, slowly.

I watch as his eyes fill with tears again while he looks up at me.

"I'm sorry lo-...'ll just be for a bit, okay?" I say, trying to hide the sadness in my voice.

He nods, closes his eyes, and leans his forehead against my chest. A shaky sigh leaves his lips and I can't help but kiss the top of his head. He sniffles. I hear it. When I do, my heart breaks slightly. I feel myself start to tear up.

"Can you stay for a little longer..? I don't..I don't want to let go.." Dream asks, I can hear the pain in his voice and my heart shatters.

I nod, "I can, I will stay however long you need me too.." I say, voice cracking in the slightest as the tears start to fall.

"D-Do you have to leave? Can't you stay in the guest room? Please..?" I can basically hear the heartbreak in his voice.

"I-..." I feel fucking terrible. I can't. I can't leave. It would hurt too much. I'd end up hurting myself more.


"I can..No- I will, I can't leave, I love you too much." I almost whisper, talking very quietly.

"I love you too, I don't want you to leave. I'm sorry, I'll never treat you like that again. I love you, I'm sorry." Dream responds, I can tell that made him feel better.

"It's okay, I promise, I won't leave, ever. I love you. So much Dream." I scoot back, away from Dream and sit up, motioning for him to sit up as well. He does.

I get onto his lap and kiss him, softly. He ofcourse kisses back and puts his hands on the side of my face and neck. After a few seconds I pull away, leaning my head on his shoulder and smiling.

Dream runs his hands up and down my sides gently. I shiver slightly.

Hiiiii. So this chapter didn't go how I planned. But I love it. I'm not very good at angst as you can tell. But anyways. Byeee!~

Word count: 1102<3

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