The Point of No Return. |Part 1.|

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I sit on the bed that I bought for me and him. He doesn't even sleep in it anymore. Just uses it to fuck me in when he feels like it. He doesn't ever ask how I'm doing, or if I'm okay. He only cares about Sapnap. Sapnap and Dream. Dream and Sapnap. The two best of friends.

He used to love me.

He used to look me in the eyes.

He used to hold me.

He used to kiss me goodbye at the front door before leaving.

He used to do all of that.

He doesn't anymore.

He never does.

Dream, the cheater. The liar. The worst person I have in my life right now.

Even Sapnap is better than him. Sapnap tells me when Dream is at his flat. Sapnap tells me everything they do when he's there. Sapnap is better than Dream. Better than me. And I can see why Dream would choose Sapnap over me.

Sapnap is athletic and muscular.

I'm pathetic and weak.

Sapnap has good days, every day.

I go through constant depressive episodes at least 3 times week.

Sapnap is better looking, he takes care of himself.

I lay in bed all day and rarely eat.

All of this is caused by Dream. Dream, Dream, Dream. The handsome one. The tall one. The strong one.

The one no one thinks is so fucking terrible.

Dream is my partner. My partner. At least, he's supposed to be. But he's not. Not anymore. He's barely home. I haven't got the chance to break it off because he's never fucking here.

I sit in bed as I practically watch Sapnap take him from me.

Don't get me wrong, I love Sapnap, he's one of my best friends. But watching Dream slowly fade away to him hurts. It really fucking hurts.

I hear the car pull into the drive way, meaning Dream is home. He hasn't been home in days but that's besides the point.

I get up from the bed, leaving the bedroom. Going to the living room just to be met with both Dream and Sapnap. I look Dream dead in the eyes. "I'm done with you."

"What-?" He asks, confused.

"I'm done, this," I point to me then him, "is over. I'm packing my things tonight and I'm leaving back to England at 6:00 AM tomorrow. I'm done." I say, not even tearing up as I stare into his eyes.

"I-" He starts, tears in his eyes, I cut him off.

"No. You don't get to talk, you've done enough. Nothing is changing my mind Dream, it's over. I'm packing, then I'm leaving." I stare at him coldly, then looks at Sapnap and smile a bit, "I'd like it if you stayed with Dream for a while so he doesn't do anything he'll regret, okay?"

He nods, and smiles back at me, proud of me for breaking this off.

"George-" Dream starts again, looking at me with tears streaking down his face.

"Dream, I don't want to hear it. Okay? Please, you've done enough. I love you, but I know you don't love me, and that's alright. I'm okay with that. But if you do some bullshit like this to Sapnap, I won't just be leaving, you'll be in hell where you deserve to be and I'll be jail, alright? So don't fuck it up." I almost yell, but I don't. Having some self control.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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