Chapter 1-Part 1

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Chapter 1
Part 1


18 Years Later...

Year 2045

Clare Greyson's POV

My name is Clare Greyson.

I am the daughter of James and Isabelle Greyson, and the younger sister to William Greyson.

I am currently 16 years old, and I am pretty much a disappointment to the world. So not exactly how I was planning my life to turn out so far, but before I get there let me start from the beginning.

When my older brother William was born my parents were both still stationed on the moon base colony. Therefore, my brother was the first child to be born on the moon, and let's just say it would be an understatement that the news didn't spread like crazy.

People all over the world heard about the moon child, people automatically expected great things from him and was the ideal picture perfect child. The golden boy you could say of the world. I mean I personally don't see what the big deal was, he was just a normal person like everyone else, I should know since I've lived with him my entire life.

Anyway, everyone celebrated during this big event every year on his birthday, and even turned it into a national holiday in most countries!

Everything seemed perfect that is until I came along. By the time I was born my parents were both stationed back on earth so I was born there just like everyone else on the flipping planet. But for some reason people thought of me as the disappointment, the mistake, the unlucky child, and deemed me as the outcast from the world an my family simply because I was born on earth and my brother was not.

All my life, every single day all I heard about was how sorry people felt for me and how they pity me for forever being stuck in the shadow of my 'perfect' older brother's fame and success.

No one actually cared about my opinion though, no one except my brother.

Even when I was constantly being compared to him, I never hated my brother, in fact he was my closest friend in my life and I could tell him anything.

When people would make fun of me in public or in school, and told me how I was an idiotic disgrace to my family an should have never been born, William was always there to help me and comfort me after.

He would always say, "Don't let what they say tear you down baby sis, you are talented, smart, and braver than any one of them. And never forget that, you are special to me."

Each time he would repeat that to me and I no longer felt alone in the world, like everyone was against me. I mean my parents would try to help me but they were always busy with work and important people and of course my brother, they never really had time for me. But I still love them regardless, and I know they love me too, they just rarely show it.

And it's not like my brother didn't have problems too, living up to the world's expectations is hard and very stressful. But being great at literally everything came natural to him. There was nothing I could really beat him in competition wise, he was smarter, stronger, faster, kinder, and better than me at everything. Except maybe sleeping in, but what can I say I'm not really a morning person.

I was always kind of a quiet kid though, I stuck to myself most of the time. Not just because I was a social pariah, but because no one I encountered in my life actually tried to be my friend for myself. Instead those that pretended to be nice to me actually wanted to get closer to my brother. I grew tired of people's ignorance and hatred towards me. I stuck to myself focusing on my studies and trying my best to achieve in my academics and extra-curricular activities. I did this not to make the world happy, and make them try not to see me as a troublemaker or delinquent to society, I did it to try an make my parents proud of me and try to notice me for a change.

By the time I entered the 7th grade, William was no longer there to help me with the bullies, so I had to stand up for myself, and sometimes it got violent. I had gotten into so many fights at school that I spent more time in detention that at my actual house.

The first time the school called my parents the look of anger and disappointment on their faces shook me to the bone. But I could never talk to them, they would never listen to me and I don't want to bother William with my problems anymore since he was stressed enough about applying to the Jr. Academy.

He wanted to follow in my parents footsteps of course.

And though I got into fights I tried my best to stay out of them but there was no reasoning with those people. I learned how to hide my bruises and scars, but I also learned how to defend myself and throw a good punch with this too and soon people learned to back off once they realized I could land them in the hospital if they mess with me.

And though my grades and awards were still high no one believed I earned them honestly when I did. But when my brother won the same award people threw random parties for him.


However the beginning my freshman year of high school, I was used to being ostracized from society, and not having friends my whole life. I learned to live with that, but it wasn't until my 14th birthday that the one friend I did have would then be taken from me.

Leaving me to suffer truly alone in the dark shadows of society.


Hello again my readers! I hope you all enjoyed this first official chapter! Again vote, comment, share, ya know the usual I appreciate all of it.

Let me know what you guys think so far and any feedback helps!

Until next time my lovelies!

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