Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I felt my palms slightly sweating as I pulled the handle of the door. When it finally opened fully I let out a deep breath, not realizing I was holding it until now.

I took in my surroundings and noticed that there were hardly any other cadets at the sign in station yet. Either I was late, or really early, but either scenario made me slightly nervous regardless. It wasn't until this moment that I realized I was not really briefed or told anything prior to my arrival here. I guess I will just have to figure things out as I go, like I usually do.

"Wonderful..."I mumbled aloud sarcastically.

I made my way to the desk where a man and women in uniform were helping a few cadets sign in. I went in line to talk to the lady, trying not to gather much attention to myself.

"Excuse me, I'm here to sign in...I'm a new cadet for the Jr. Academy"I spoke with slight hesitation.

The lady had her hair up in a tight bun, organizing some documents on her tablet and finally looked up at me, finally realizing there was a person in front of her.

"Sorry, what did you say? Are you here to sign in?" she questioned.

I felt her looking me up and down with a slight frown before plastering a fake smile on her face. Maybe I was the one being too judgmental, but I had a feeling this lady was not all that impressed by my appearance. I could be wrong but I usually trust my gut instincts, and so far they have yet to fail me.

"Yeah...I'm a new cadet" I replied.

She didn't look back up at me and instead went back to looking at her tablet.

"Name and identification card please." she added while not breaking contact with the screen.

"Clare Greyson" I muttered while placing my identification card on the table, trying to not gather attention by speaking my name too loudly.

This time, the lady's head jerked up like I slapped her or something. Her eyes wide, as she stared longer at my identification card and my face. Seemingly not believing the sight before her.

She gulped slightly, "You wouldn't happen to be related to William Greyson...would you?" this time there was some hesitation in her voice.

The attention of the guy next to her was also on me as well as a few other newcomers in the lobby. The room seemed to go silent as I gripped the strap of my backpack tighter, my knuckles turning slightly white.

"Yeah," I gulped. "He is my older brother." I replied as calmly as I could.

With my response there were audible gasps and murmurs throughout the lobby. The lady signing me in looked back at the man next to her and seemed to whisper some things quickly to him before turning her attention back to me.

"I's great to have you with us!"

It seemed as though the pitch in her voice went higher and the fake smile was even more noticeable through her clenched teeth. She then focused her attention back to the tablet, typing some things in and then I received a notification on my phone.

"All of your information for orientation was sent to your personal device, your dorm number, squad members and location of facilities and orientation schedule. Remember to transfer this information to your government issued devices as after orientation your personal electronics will be picked up and not available until after graduation, resignation, or expulsion..." she looked back at me.

The word expulsion seeming to dangle in the air between us.

She smiled again while handing me a bag with my government issued electronics.

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