How time flies U_U

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Time flew by, it was already the next week, the departure of my best friend, Christine. I would really miss her. Christine was not only my close friend but we were also family friends. Every Friday, our families would have a get-together at either of our houses. We would play Damsharas, Scrabble, Tambola and many more....... It was loads of fun and I'll never forget those times.

We spent the last week crafting friendship bands and making pacts. Binge watching movies were done more than ever by us, inside jokes were never ending and gossiping was a daily routine. We promised to keep in touch, call every day, not hide anything from each other and to always stay BFF's no matter what. 

Both of us would support either one and always be by one's side. This is what we guaranteed one another but who new these false expectations would last not even for a month?!                   So, for the first few weeks, we dutifully held our friendship tight but eventually, Christine grew distant, just as I feared. 

* They say, "Distance and Time can't break friends apart"......but is that always true? *

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