A change

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Not all was lost.....Christine and I would call occasionally, but she changed, she wasn't the same jolly and friendly Chris I used to know.

 Firstly, she developed a Spanish accent which was cool in the beginning but then she stated how bland my English was. Christine started pointing out my weaknesses and faults and started picking on me. She boasted about how popular she was in her school and the number of friends she had. 

Whereas I, on the other hand, was still fulfilling our promise of staying besties forever. Finally, I lost hope in our friendship and gave up as well. We texted once in a blue moon, and even then, she did not quit humiliating and teasing me saying, "No offense, but.......".

Well then, it was decided, Christine was no longer my friend, she was my nemesis. Soon, things changed, my feelings for her turned into hatred. This hatred kept my mind occupied and I couldn't live my life to the fullest. 

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