Chapter 1: Random Encounter

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Aoi Pov:

Moving sucks, seeing as after moving into my new house in Japan (very original, I know), my computer wasn't turning on, making me think my 2000$ PC just broke, then after I fixed that problem, unfortunately, I was late for my gaming stream on youtube. 

Moving in a frenzy, I started the stream.

Aoi: Hello Everyone, very sorry for the late stream, but I was too busy moving into my new house!

Chat: Moving? Where?

Aoi: Japan, isn't that cool? I can finally use my language skills to the test other than responding to the chat!

Chat: Are you sure you aren't trolling us?

Aoi: Of Course not, there's no reason for me to do that, so seeing as time has passed a little too much, let's start the gaming!

Chat: What game are you playing today?

Aoi: Hmm, seeing as I need a new Valorant Account because I am too lazy to ask Riot to transfer data, let's just play some Apex Legends.

Chat: www

Chat: Changing Val Accounts?

Chat: You aren't trolling?

Aoi: Of Course not, let's boot up the game, and look at the servers, see? 15ms on Japan servers, look at that, concrete proof.

Chat: No way, how are we supposed to stream snipe you now?

Aoi: You aren't what is wrong with you guys, I don't wanna ruin the experience for my randoms, so I'm hiding my screen AND putting on delay haha!

Chat: Bruh

After hiding my screen, I queued up into some ranked leagues, which I was currently in Diamond 4 after playing because I was trying to hit Apex Predator for a new youtube video.

Aoi: Ok chat, I got into a match, let's see who our teammates are going to pick, lemme unhide the screen.

As I unhid the screen 2 names popped up, SEN Aceu and AqukinnWraith appeared on the screen.

Aoi: This is bad Chat, it seems to be a random Aceu and sentinels fan and a Wraith instalock, this will probably be a loss. 

As I was waiting for them to pick first, I saw the chat explode with Japanese comments and some English comments

Chat: Oi are you serious you're playing with Minato Aqua

Chat: No wayyyyyy she's playing with a vtuber

Chat: Time to clip this entire match for the views

Aoi: Huh? What's a vtuber? Minato Aqua? is she famous?

Chat: Yeah she's part of hololive, a virtual idol company in Japan

Me: Virtual Idol? That sounds cool, but we gotta land so I'm going to ignore you guys until we are in a chill area, thanks for the super chats by the way.

Meanwhile,  Aqua POV:

She had already started the stream for 30 minutes and is currently on a losing streak and was just talking to chat.

Aqua: If we don't win this one I am going to be very sad guys, so let's hope we win one before the stream is over!

Chat: www

Chat: L onion

Aqua: Who called me an Onion! Oh, we got into a match, kuso, ill remember your name later.

As Aqua loaded into a match she saw SEN Aceu and Aoplus in the bottom, which made her think that it was just a fan.

Aqua: I think we already lost chat, T_T

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