The drive

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We were driving and talking about stuff.
It was pretty early about 8am so we stopped by McDonald's to grab some breakfast. We continued driving as we ate. We stopped for gas after a few hours of driving. I went in and grabbed a bunch of snacks and a fuck ton of monsters and a few bottles of alcohol because why not. I paid for it all and the gas then headed back out to the car. John was pumping gas and I sat all the stuff in the back seat of the car. I opened a can of monster and took a few sips. John finished pumping gas and hopped back in the driver seat then we began to drive again. Including stops and breaks and other things, we should get to Schlatt's place by tomorrow around noon. All the guys already flew in from where they live so it's just me and John who need to get there but the official meetup isn't until the day after tomorrow. That's the day we're all gonna be filming and stuff for our channels. John grabbed my monster and took a huge drink from it. "That was mine dipshit" I said. "I know I'm just too lazy to grab my own" he said putting it back where it was. I rolled my eyes. I grabbed a bottle of alcohol and began to drink some. "I want some" he said. "You're driving you can't have any until we get there" I said. "oh c'mon" he said. I set the bottle down and grabbed a vape pen from my pocket. I took a few puffs and passed it to John. "what flavor is it" he asked. "Cum flavor" I said with a chuckle. It was actually watermelon but I liked to joke. I watched him take a huge puff. He passed it back to me and I was now laughing my ass off. "wait wait wait, who's cum is it" he asked. "Well who's do you think" I said jokingly. "well if it's yours gimme another hit" he said reaching for it again. I handed it to him and grabbed my other one which was blue raspberry. I took a few puffs and watched as John did the same with the other one. It was starting to get dark. We decided to park in a Walmart parking lot and sleep there for the night. We both climed into the back seats and watched a movie on John's phone. I soon fell asleep. When I woke up I was surrounded by warmth. I was laying against John. He had his arms wrapped around me. I was very flustered. I felt my face heat up. I shook John and he woke up. He sat up and removed his arms from around me. I felt him lay his head down on my shoulder. "C'mon John get up we gotta get going if we wanna be there on time" I said. " But I'm still tireddd" he mumbled. I sighed and crawled up to the front. I sat in the driver's seat and started the car then drove off. I checked my phone and it was about 9am so it would only be a few more hours until we got to Schlatt's. I kept driving and snacked on some beef jerky while driving. After 2 hours John finally got up and climbed into the passenger seat. "we can swap if you want" he said. "Nah it's fine, we only have another hour to drive" I said. He snacked on some chips and we listened to music. We finally got there. I parked the car while John grabbed all of our bags and snacks. We walked to the door and knocked. We heard footsteps then Schlatt opened the door. "Heyyy good to see you two come on in the guys are already here" he said stepping out of the way so we could enter. We stepped in and he led us past the guys in the living room and to a room. "hope you two don't mind sharing a room,it's the only one I have left" he said. "It's fine I'm sure we'll figure something out" I said. He left and me and John unloaded our bags. I unloaded all "my" hoodies onto the bed. "So that's where all my hoodies went" John said. I chuckled. I finished unloading my stuff and waited for John to finish. Once he did we headed to the living room to greet the guys. "Yo it's the gay boys, heyyy" Swagger said getting up. We were used to them calling us that. They called us that because we always flirt and shit in the voice chats but we know they are joking. He hugged us. All the others joined in. We had Smity,Fitz,Grizzy,Twomad,McCreamy, Schlatt, and quackity. I knew most of them pretty well except quackity, but we've played some games together. I was pretty tired so I headed back to the room. I plopped down on the bed and relaxed a little. I fell asleep pretty easily.

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