chapter 5 practice and planning

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Ghosts pov
We had just came back from the spot hornet told us to go relax I it was still midday you still had the opportunity to do a lot more stuff now that we were at the palace. Hey scarlet what do you want to do now that we are at the palace

Grimms pov
I'll tell you what she's going to do her and I are going to practice with one another we still have a war to fight unless you forgot?

Oh that's right I was just so caught up in the moment that I forgot well if scarlets going to train so will I we both need to be at her Ace to fight him but I promise we will spend more time with each other. I gave her a big hug before leaving her with a flustered face.

I saw hollow and asked if he would spar but he was busy helping dad with resource management, I went to broken but he was also busy helping hornet's friends from pharloom witch scarlet and I never heard of  he said he didn't help them they would forget all about they're home and where they're from.

That's what I saw a hornet and I got an idea I asked her for sparring and knowing her she couldn't turn down a challenge that being her one flaw with enough convincing she reluctantly agreed to train with me but when I mentioned a void she went completely silent and just walks to the training room

We arrived in the room got over nails ready took her positions and lunged into battle

Third person pov
Ghost was the first to attack swiping hornet jumped and avoided it and was about to strick but ghost learned from void and used his tendril to catch her needle and slammed it into the floor along with her. It caught her off guard but she managed to land on her feet before she got slammed into the floor she wasn't done out of nowhere she pulled out another needle and sliced ghost tendril which made him back off in pain but the tendril quickly grew back with this moment of opportunity she went and attacked ghost swiped and Landed a hit ghost used his tendril again and charge but expand the tendril to make it feel like being hit by a bus and he successfully hit hornet in the chest sending her flying she was down put not out her back felt weird like it was morphing when something sprouted out!
(I'm sorry but we will get back to there fight later)

Hollow helped his father with the supplies when he remembered what ghost said about training he asked his father if he could train him surprisingly his father agreed they went to a special sparring room where there were spikes, buzz saw I'm way more deadly machines that could deal severe damage his father drew his weapon and their fight began

Pk attacked but with daggers hollow did the same with what seems like an instant their nails clashed creating sparks on contact their nails moved with precision focusing on damaging knowing that they both were immortal they had nothing to worry about another clash ensued between their nails Hollow however was prepared he's summon the dagger in his hand and stabbed it into the side of pale King. Pale King jumped back taking out the Dagger from his sided and commended his son for the blow and that no trick was dirty in a war especially a battle for survival he healed his cut with soul ready to fight again he locked eyes with his son and declared that playtime was over and that he was going to fight him seriously

Within an instant hell King was behind his son and slashed his back Hollow had to admit his father was a lot better at fighting than he thought it seems that his father was holding back against them when he had to fight him before he became the vessel to contain radiance he wasn't going down that easily he counted by grabbing his father's nail and swinging him wildly in a circle letting go and crashing him into a wall a spike and impaled his side Hollow got nervous due to the thought that he could have just killed his father but pale King got off the spike and went back to fighting telling his son if it came down to saving Hollow nest or sparing your family I want you to save hollownest do you understand he nodded and lunged at his father slashing him multiple times although his father said he was going all out it was still a one-sided fight.

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