Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Some people say that walking alone at night is dangerous. I find it peaceful. There's no cars, no lights, no people. Just you, your thoughts and the gentle hum of whatever music your listening to. Pounding the pavement with my steeltoe-capped boots, my black killstar hoodie, my phone and my headphones I was starting to see how some people could go camping all the time and look up at the stars all night long, how they can stare into space and just feel relaxed like all of their troubles have disappeared, moving from place to place without having a feeling of belonging.

Thats me. A 20 year old girl not having a feeling of belonging to anyone, anything or anywhere, constantly being stared at, the weirdo, the freak. With my long brown hair, two tone eyes and slim build most of the girls at school are jealous of me, all the guys flirt with me as a joke or a dare just to get laughs or see how much they can push me. Until he came along. Adrian Bane. The hottest guy in school. All the girls want to be with him and all the guys want to be him. He's still kind of a mystery to me and is probably the only one who hasn't flirted with me but still only has eyes for me or so it feels.....

"Guess who" I hear from behind me my best friend Zoe shaking me out of my daydream "staring at mister Bane again?" She said in a low voice so only that I can hear "you do know he looks straight through all the other girls in this school right? Well apart from you obviously".

"Shhhhh! He will hear you!" I snapped throwing some of my books in my locker and getting out my artpad and sketching pencils "and anyway it's not like he stares at me all the time" I said defensively.

"yeah right and I'm the queen of Sheeba" Zoe replied sarcastically.

We both look up as the bell rings signalling that we should really be getting to class.

"oh right and I suppose you've forgotten about his best friend Brad?" I said "you know the football player who you long for?" I said being all dramatic "oh brad I'm so glad you could help me with being a princess" I imitated Zoe perfectly and she knew it. She flipped her long blonde hair in my face as we walked along.

"yeah right you wish you had some of this" she replied signalling her entire self with one hand.

I giggled "right I better get into class before mr. Wicks gets angry, I'll meet you after at my locker and give you ride home if you want?"

"yeah cool" Zoe replied "see you after class".

As I gathered my things after art class I noticed that Adrian was again staring at me from the doorway as if he wanted to say something. I threw my hoodie over my shoulder and went to walk out he stopped me by putting an arm across the doorframe.

"hey Selena" he said shyly as if regretting trying to stop me "I just wanted to say be careful when you go home tonight".

"why?" I replied "is something horrible going to happen?".

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