Chapter 2 - Longing

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Its been so long ever since i can remember i have always had something 'wrong' with me. Ive always sensed that there is more to me then my mum has been letting on. She never mentions my dad and ive never even seen a picture of him let alone met him, its as if he never even existed! I have always felt left out a loner, a freak until we moved to enigma creek and i first saw selena at school. ive been drawn to her practically watching her every move whenever she smiles, laughs, flicks her long brown hair or even when her two tone eyes light up at the sound of someone calling her name.

"Adrian!" i heard brad call my name as he caught up to me at my locker forcing me to look away from selena for what felt like the millonth time today.

"Alright dude whats up?" i replied.

"Nothing was just wondering if you wanted to try and get halloween outfits for the party later?" He said.

"sounds cool but let me text my mum first to make sure its ok just in case she needs anything" i replied pulling out my phone.

"yeah thats fine, look i got to run miss barons going to kill me if im late" brad replied "ill meet you at your bike later".

"see ya later dude" i said watching him run to his next class.

Walking to maths felt so long but at least i get to make sure that selena is safe. I was worried about her after what she told me had happened to her and zoe on the way home yesterday seems so weird that a random dog would run out in front of her at that particular time or am i just over thinking it?

I manage to get to maths class just in time, I rush in and sit down at the back of the class so no one notices me keeping an eye on Selena. I watch her walk in smiling, probably glad that it's nearly the end of the school day. Her eyes met mine and I dropped my gaze to stop making it seem 'creepy' I grin to myself, internally laughing at Selena's comment, hoping that the build up of whatever emotions I was feeling inside don't show on my face and don't amount up to anything. Something was coming and I'm so sure that I would bet my entire collection of POP! Figures on it that it was going to be something big.

"mister Bane are we listening?" Mr Bradley snapped tapping the black board with his cane.

"yes sir, sorry sir," I replied.

"ok then I don't suppose you could answer question 12?" Mr Bradley said.

"the answer is 186,368" I replied smugly.

"hmmmm... seems like we was paying attention after all" Mr Bradley said turning back to the black board "make sure that we are all taking notes, that includes you mister Bane".

I see Selena turn to me and smile, probably glad that someone had finally shut Mr Bradley up by answering the question correctly and so quickly. I wink back at her and carry on taking notes until the end of class.

I finally pack up my things at the end of last period relieved that I can finally go home and relax then I remembered that I said I would go with brad to that stupid Halloween party as well as try and get costumes with him. I scold myself, rolling my eyes, wishing that all I had to do was to go home and chill out in front of the TV and maybe binge watch sons of anarchy again or even prison break, I approach my locker noticing that brad was flirting with Zoe throwing her his big charming smile and making her go slightly red and tuck her blonde hair behind her ear nervously, I open my locker and collect my books while putting some textbooks and notepads away waiting for brad to finish up.

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