Chapter 15

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In that dream, I was standing on a cloud again. This was definitely the heavenly palace, the place I'd heard so much about in my aunts' stories. I saw that all of my aunts had gathered together, but they looked different, somehow. It wasn't the fact that they were in long flowing robes, with some of the fabric shimmering under the light. They were angry, and I'ad never seen them this angry before. They were standing and facing the Jade Emperor. In the middle of the five of them was a man in a cage. He snarled, just like an animal.

"Is what you have said true?" the Jade Emperor asked, raising an eyebrow. "You know how serious this accusation is."

"We cannot let him off simply because of his station," Aunty Lotus said. "You have said so yourself; he has committed grave crimes against humanity."

"But his office is crucial. Who will see to it that Mankind does not destroy himself?"

At this, the man in the cage laughed. I shuddered. It was a horrible sound to hear, and I felt like I would never be happy again.

"There are many deities who are more than willing to step up, if you give them the chance," Aunty Qin said, and shook her head.


"You refuse to admit this because many of us female deities are more than capable," added Aunty Jinx. I gasped, but then, I wasn't really surprised. It was really like Aunty Jinx to speak her mind.

"Very well. I will ask the Minister of Justice to gather all the evidence from you and then, we will finally have a court date. Perhaps, there will be justice then."

The women nodded, seemingly placated. But I noticed that Aunty Seven's brow was furrowed.

"Will you punish him? Will it be fair and just?" she asked.

"I cannot say. I will rely on the evidence, and we shall proceed."

Aunty Seven's mouth opened and closed, and she gaped like a fish. Aunty Blossom rubbed her back.

"But we know he's guilty. What else can we do to ensure that he is convicted as soon as possible?"

The man growled. All of my aunts glared at him. Aunty Lianyu sighed and shook her head.


Two strong bearded men armed with weapons appeared.

"Take him to the holding cell," Aunty Lianyu said.

"Yes, Xiangu."

Wait. What? What name did they call Aunty Lotus? I thought she was Aunty Lianyu? And why was that name so familiar?

"Your Majesty, it is imperative that we convict him as soon as possible–now would be preferable, in fact. He's a menace to all here, and, ironically, humanity itself," Aunty Lianyu said. Everyone chimed in agreement.

"I am inclined to agree," the Jade Emperor replied. "But as you know, we have to adhere to the heavenly rules."

"But people like him will take advantage of your goodwill, I know this," Aunty Jinx chipped in. "The faster we convict him, the better.

"Yes!" Aunty Seven said, and my aunts started murmuring.

"I will try and convict him as soon as I can."

The immortals were still dissatisfied. But in the meantime, there was nothing else they could do.

"Another deity will take over his post for the time being."

"Another man, I think," snorted Aunty Jinx. Aunty Blossom agreed. All my aunts left the room, with the Jade Emperor palming his face. I didn't understand what the big fuss was about, but I could feel my aunts' frustration, disappointment, and mostly exasperation.

It was then that I woke up. Everything looked different in the daytime. I walked to the window, and the man was no longer there. I had to push that thought away, because Aunty Blossom was helping me with party prep.

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