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The spit pooled in the back of Izuku's throat as he struggled to swallow down the news that was imposed on him by the doctors. It was too much to register everything they had said, but there were distinct words that had stood out.

Things like, "terminal," "procedure," "not much time."

But the most significant word. The most powerful word that had stayed at the forefront of his thoughts until it gouged its way deep into his very core had rocked everything he had thought would happen that day. It brought his reality into stark clarity and left only one path open for them to take.


The icy tile of the hospital floor chilled his bones long after the doctors had left. The cold crept invaded through his clothes, settling deep into his skin until he was a shivering mess. Izuku curled into himself, forcing his eyes against his bent knees until they throbbed.

Everything in the hallway was too vivid. From the crisp white of the walls to the pungent smell of disinfectant. Even from where he sat outside her room, Izuku could hear the steady beeping of his mom's heart monitor, a constant reminder.

All of it was closing in around him, making the dark pit gnaw thrash and gnaw at his rib cage. It made it harder and harder to catch his breath.

This was too much.

How were they expecting him to handle this? He wasn't ready to face death in this way. They shouldn't be here.

Izuku tried again to inhale, but the oxygen lodged itself in his throat, making him sputter and gag. He felt like he was breaking apart, so he wrapped his arms around his middle, trying to hold himself together.

The lack of sleep was creeping up on him. Izuku wanted it to be a nightmare he could wake up from. He wanted to go back to school.

He didn't want to work anymore. He didn't want to struggle anymore.

And his mom. His poor mom shouldn't be in that room.

On that bed.

Hook up to all those machines.

Izuku pressed deeper into his knees until the flashes popped against the back of his eyelid and tears formed at the corners of his eyes, burning pathways down his cheeks. Something like a scream was churning inside him, so Izuku bit down into his bottom lip to hold it back.

The biting pressure against his palm reminded Izuku of the business card he was holding. Sitting up, the brightness of the florescent lights made Izuku squint as they adjusted. He was alone, which was good because he couldn't handle the idea of anyone coming up to him now.

The card-stock was of high quality with a satin black finish that felt like smooth butter against his fingertips. There was only a name in straight gold font and a phone number.

Mr. Shigaraki


Izuku dialed the number into his phone, the numbing darkness filling his chest even further, preventing him from hesitating like he would have in the past. Mr. Yagi would be upset when he found out. He would likely give Izuku a lecture about finding another way, but Izuku couldn't focus on that now.

He held his phone in a tight grip, waiting with bated breath until a smooth, businesslike voice came on the line.

"Mr. Midoriya, I didn't expect to hear from you so soon."

Izuku swallowed back the spit to clear his throat, though it came out rough and broken. His usual stuttering was still prominent as he tried to come up with the words he needed to say.

"I... I needed to know....the offer you gave me before..."

"Are you asking if it's still on the table?" Mr. Shigaraki offered.

"I need you help."

There was a pause of silence. It suffocated him, so Izuku stood, his legs restless as he waited. If Mr. Shigaraki couldn't help them, then Izuku wasn't sure that he could keep it together. Already his body was shaking as he walked away from his mother's room and down the empty corridor.

Mr. Shigaraki came through sounding warm, like a parent that was trying to soothe their crying child.

"Of course, Midoriya. I will help you in any way I can, but I'm sure you know nothing is for free."

This was it. Izuku knew that Mr. Shigaraki wouldn't be giving out any hand outs. If he agreed to it, there was no going back. Everything he had hoped to achieve, his dreams would be impossible.

But if it was for his mom.

If this helped her live.

He must have taken too long to respond because Mr. Shigaraki continued as if to convince Izuku.

"Whatever you need, I can provide for you, and my only payment is that you fight for me and win."

Izuku crept back down the hallway to look into his mother's room. He made sure they didn't see him as he checked in on her.

She looked small in that bed.

She shouldn't be here.

She was supposed to stay with him longer. To comfort him like she did when he was bullied in school.

She was supposed to fuss over him and lecture Mr. Yagi about keeping Izuku out late doing training.

When everything else changed in his life, his mom was his only constant.

Now, she looked so frail with all those wires and tubes sticking out of her. Izuku wanted to rip them off her and plead with her to get up so they could go home together.

That was why he hid in the hallway, because he couldn't bear seeing her like that. Izuku knew he was running away. He knew it was shameful that Mr. Yagi had to take his place and sit by his mother's side, holding her hand to reassure her.

Regret spread through his veins as he watched them from outside.

Izuku was a horrible son. He knew this.

Kacchan had been right.

He was a coward.

Mr. Shigaraki's voice came through the speaker, his tone questioning after the silence had dragged on for too long.

"Mr. Midoriya?"

"If you can save her, then I promise to fight for you." Izuku said.

"Well, it appears we have ourselves a deal then."

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