Chapter 6

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Sweat pulled into a small puddle in front of Izuku. By now, his arms shook as he lowered his body down until his chest was only inches above the ground before pushing back up. He had lost count of how many sets he had done, but it had done nothing to erase the thoughts of Katsuki from his mind.

When his thoughts wandered back to his soft skin, Izuku groaned as he let himself drop to the ground. Katsuki had been too willing. He had expected the other to reject his advances with one of his usual temper tantrums, not tease him with maybe's and what ifs.

He certainly wasn't supposed to offer himself on a platter for Izuku, who was far too weak to hold back from such an offer.

When his phone's alarm went off, Izuku gave up and went to take a shower. It had been about a week since he had seen Katsuki that night and Izuku was both relieved and burdened that he had yet to show up at the cafe. It was possible he had scared him away, but that only brought up more concern for Izuku.

As he dressed, Izuku struggled with wanting to check on Katsuki. Even in the city, it was still rather quiet outside for anyone to have started their day. If Izuku left now, he could pass by the precinct and hang around to catch a quick glance of the spiked-haired blond before he headed to his afternoon shift.

Izuku reasoned he had nothing better to do with sleep evading him for most of the night, plus now that Goto knew of Katsuki's existence, it was better that Izuku monitor him for a while, just to be sure he was safe.

Before Izuku could second guess himself, his feet were already leading him out the door and towards the direction of the precinct. Izuku put on the baseball cap he had taken with him, covering as much of his green hair as possible. If he knew Katsuki, the man would spot him a mile away if he wasn't careful. As Izuku made his way down the street, he stuffed his hands in his oversized hoodie, sticking to the back roads instead of the major streets for coverage.

"I'll just make sure he's okay, no big deal. He's probably been too busy with work to bother with stopping by." Izuku said.

If something had actually happened to Katsuki, then his name would have been all over the news which Izuku had yet to see, but that didn't mean he was out of the red. Izuku picked a building that had the precinct within eyesight and, with a well-timed leap, he grabbed onto the hanging fire escape and made his way up to the restricted rooftop.

Laid out beneath his feet, the city was waking up with people moving to get to their destinations. Izuku found some suitable cover where he could sit and watch the entrance of Katsuki's precinct.

As the sky lightened, the officers filled into the building, but after an hour there was no sign of Katsuki.

He could have had an appointment or scheduled for a later shift. He could have called in or planned to work elsewhere for the day. Izuku tried to reason with his paranoia that he really didn't know Katsuki's daily schedule enough and his plan to get a glimpse of him had been impulsive, anyway.

Izuku's leg shook as he kept a hawk's eye on the entrance or any sign of him or even the red-headed partner of his.

"Come on, Kacchan, just appear so I can make sure you're okay and I can go back to my normal life." Izuku said.

Just as Izuku considered going down there for a closer look, the comforting sight of Katsuki's stylish spikes came from around the corner carrying a tray of coffee cups in each hand. He looked like he was arguing with his partner who was with him, the red-heads usual toothy grin across his face as he carried a few white boxes in his arms.

Izuku let out a sigh of relief at seeing Katsuki going about his day. Izuku let his head fall back as he watched Katsuki walk down the street towards the main entrance of his work, building the tension in his chest finally easing up as he reprimanded himself for being so paranoid.

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