Part 3~Smoke

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There was only one way I could describe walking into that camp, it was like walking into my past.

Everything was like how I remember, the simple tents were suspended against trees, several people sleeping high among the branches. A simple fire had been built with the food they had caught slowly roasting away above it.

"Merlin! Merlin's back!" Screaming in delight, the familiar children rushed up to me, pulling at my hand. "Do the tricks, Merlin! Please, please, pretty please!"

Chuckling, I pulled a smile on my face. "No, not today."

The kids pouted, whining in disappointment as Sukie stepped out of the group. "Come on, back to your parents." She shook her head as the kids continued to whine before they ran away.

"As popular as always, Merlie." Yvain chuckled as he wrapped an arm around me, poking my cheek. "You should disappoint the kids, they look up to you."

"They do or you do?"

Yvain shrugged his shoulders. "Is there something wrong with pleasing all of us?" Yvain winked, hopping away as his twin shook her head.

"And here I thought he would settle down after how you left it. I guess not." Dala gave me a sympathetic look as I met her gaze with a smile.

"At least it's not awkward. That would have been worse."

Dala nodded, glancing at Yvain who was dragging a log to the fire. He struggled against the weight as Osanne and her dragon flew down. She hopped down, whispering something under her breath making the wood lighter and giving Yvain a hand.

"Merlin, we shouldn't be here. They're sorcerers!" Arthur gripped my arm tightly as I chuckled.

"Only just working that out, cabbage head?" I gently tried to push Arthur off me but he only gripped me tighter. "Don't worry so much, they're completely harmless."

Gwaine tilted his head, looking around the camp. "I've heard of these people before. They're runners, aren't they?"

"Runners," the other knights echoed, making Gwaine gasp.

"Don't tell me you're never heard of a runner before?! They're a group of people, mostly peaceful sorcerers who were chased out of their homes by Uther and so took to the road. They help protect travellers against bandits. They're really famous but I didn't think they were real."

"Peaceful sorcerers, there is no such thing," Arthur claimed, forcing me and Mordred to scoff.

"Sure." I scowled, walking past Arthur and to the camp. "Hey, Sukie, is Kiki and Cirus around?" I looked back as Sukie nodded.

"In the tent-like usual." Sukie chuckled as I grinned, grabbing Gwaine.

"Great. Come on Gwaine, I want you to meet some people." I began pushing him away before he- or any of the other knights could protest. The tent that Sukie had mentioned sat in the centre of the camp, a little off the main campfire Yvain and Osanne were finishing.

Gwaine glanced around the camp worriedly. "Do you think it's a good idea to leave Arthur unchecked?"

"It's amusing that you think Arthur could do anything to these people. Don't worry, if he tries to attack, Sukie and Osanne would step in. What we should worry about is whether or not someone will step in to save Arthur." Throwing open the tent, I grinned at the two occupants. "Cirus! Kiki! Long time no see!"

Cirus faltered slightly, sighing heavily as he lifted his head. "He's back. Oh great dear he's back."

"Yes, I am! This is Gwaine, he needs some attention."

Grumbling, Cirus motioned to the wooden log. "Let's see what trouble you got into this time." I pushed Gwaine into the chair, letting Cirus look over him. "You'll be fine but I'm going to put some remedies on anyway. Should stop the infection and keep you fighting strong to hunt us down."

"Come now Cirus, you should know you'll always be able to outrun the knights, keeping them strong makes it funner."

Cirus hummed, wrapping Gwaine's wounds. "I will never understand you. You and Yvain that is. Since you've been gone, he's been getting worse. I think he still believes that you'll be there for him should he do something stupid. You would think he would have stopped it now but with the others on him like a hawk he hasn't had the chance to get himself in a truly Yvainy situation." Cirus watched me, his sharp gaze clearly stating his disapproval.

"And I'm sure he will keep trying with or without me here. Where is Kiki?"

"Gathering herbs, doing the jobs you abandoned."

"You shouldn't stay mad, dear Cirus, it doesn't suit you."

"You shouldn't stay in Camelot, sweetest Merlin, it doesn't suit you." Cirus pushed away from Gwaine, standing up. "I know you have your reasons but... do you really think you can stay in Camelot?! Do you think they'll accept you if they knew everything?! They're dangerous. You should come back to us."

Silence. It stretched out for a bit longer before I burst out laughing. "You're always so serious, Cirus. Don't worry so much. If they find out, they find out. If they don't, they don't. Either way, I must continue along the path laid out for me. I do miss my time here and I do fear the future, so much uncertainty makes it hard to do anything else, but either way, I'm just going for the ride." I smiled, Cirus's eyes widening for a second as he sighed and lowered his head in defeat.

Gwaine looked between us in confusion, holding up his hand to say something when Cirus snorted and covered his mouth. "You haven't changed one bit, have you. Fine, I will let it go but you should know, everybody in this camp is going to try and get you to stay and we both know there are those here who you cannot say no to. You better be prepared to stand up for your conviction against much tougher opponents who will play much dirtier tricks." Cirus patted my shoulder, I knew who he was talking about. Yvain and Athe. The two people who I cared about the most and the two who had the most blackmail on me.

"Don't worry, I know that." Backing away, I grabbed Gwaine.

Crashing through the tent, the young girl beamed. "Merlin!"


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