Prologue~First Burn

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The day had started normally.

Hunith played with her four-year-old daughter, Atheleys's, hair while she made a flower crown from the nearby flowers. Athe's brown hair flowed down her small shoulders and pale face.

Balinor walked about the forest, crouching low as he aimed the crossbow at the deer that had tracked.

Merlin smiled when the deer fell. "You know daddy, magic would make hunting a lot quicker." As to show off the power, Merlin held out his hands and set fire to the nearby tree.

Balinor chuckled, reducing the flames. "Your gift is special, Merlin, but it is very powerful. We never abuse that power. Besides, this is relaxing." Balinor ruffled his six-year-old son's hair and led him back to the house.

Surrounding the house, was an array of plants. Full of life and colour, all spurred on by the magic that went deep in the roots.

The day was perfectly normal.

That was until Uther arrived.

Screaming. The haunted screaming of a broken family.

Uther watched with dark disapproval. Magic was evil. These people were evil. It did not matter that one had never touched magic. It did not matter that one was only four years old. It did not matter that one was born with magic and had no choice. It did not matter to him.
This was the home of the dragon lord and his family. They were evil and they had to die.

"We leave back to Camelot." Uther pulled back on the reins and led his knights from the burning house.

"Mummy...? Daddy...?"

Brokenly, the small girl cried into his brother's chest, an amber shield surrounding them and protecting them from the inferno. But even with his magic, the damage was done. Burnt flesh mixed with ash and smoke.

The sight bore into Merlin's eyes, the sight he protected Athe from. The sight of their parent's burnt corpses. Cracking from above caused Athe to scream and latch further into Merlin's chest.

There was no way out. They were going to burn for something they were born to. For their magic.

"Hey! Is someone in there?! We are coming to help, just hold on!"

Clawing at the woods, Osanne broke down the walls. The white and gold dragon broke into the burning house and pulled the terrified children out.

"Welcome to the run," Sukie said, holding out her burnt hand. "Don't worry, we'll keep you safe."

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