Part 7~Raging Fire

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Panting, Athe doubled over on herself. She looked exhausted. Sweat poured from her forehead, bags under her eyes and a sway to her shoulder made me fear that she’ll fall over at a moment's notice.

“What are you talking about? Morgana wouldn’t be able to get them,” I hissed, glaring at her as she took in a deep breath.

“When we were leaving- well, when I caught up with them again- Morgana jumped up. She took everyone! Merlin! The kids! They’re going to be hurt and Cel, she’s pregnant, she can’t do much! What if she dies?! What if her child dies?!” The more Athe talked, the more she began hyperventilating.

“Athe. Athe! Calm down! We’ll figure something out.”

Athe nodded as a grumble echoed out from behind. Arthur rolled over in his bed, muttering that we needed to should shut up.

“Arthur, wake up!” Kicking him, I did not wait. “All of you up now, I’ll get us a ride.” Walking into the forest, I left in a hurry as Athe gulped.

“I don’t like the way he said that.”


“As I’m sure I’ve told you before, Emyrs, I am not a horse,” Kilgharrah huffed as I raised my eyebrow.

“As I’m sure I’ve told you before, I don’t really care. Listen, important people are in danger and I need your help to rescue them and before you say no, one of them is a dragon.”

“Impossible.” Kilgharrah’s eyes widened as he lowered his head. “Get on.”

Grinning, I did as I was told. “We need to get the knights.”

“Have you told Arthur of your destiny?” He lifted his eyes to glance back at me, a confused expression on his face.

“Technically no. Athe told him I was a dragon lord and I made some stuff up and used a few technicalities to bluff my way through.”

“Oh dear, I do not want to know what you said.”

“You and me both.”

Landing, Kilgharrah glared down at Arthur for a moment before bowing, letting me off.

“One ride,” I announced as Kilgharrah huffed.

Gwiane’s eyes sparkled as he rushed forward. “This is epic!” He grinned, running his fingers down the dragon scales. “And we get to ride this?!”

“I have a name, sir Gwaine,” Kilgharrah said formally.

Gwaine gaped, stepping back. “He talks, just like you said. He knows my name.”

“Of course I do, I know the names of all Camelot's great knights.”

“Then why do you know his,” Athe asked sarcastically, receiving a hurt glare from Gwaine. Climbing onto Kilgharrah's neck and back, he took off to the sky. Closing my eyes, I stretched out my magic, trying to find them.

It did not take long. They were projecting their magic as far as they could. It was easy to find such a large target.

“There,” I pointed into the forest, making Kilgharrah dip his wings. The knights didn’t get a chance to ask me how I knew they were there before we were flying over the camp. The forest made it impossible for Kilgharrah to land but it was easy to see Morgana within the trees.

Kilgharrah began gliding over the trees, catching sight of the small and scared dragon before his eyes caught something else. “Do you see that?”

“I know.” I ran my hand over his scales soothingly. I hadn’t wanted him to find out about Aithusa. I had no idea how he would react. “There is nothing we can do.”

“Maybe nothing you can do, but I am very different.”

“Kilgharrah, no.”

Glancing around Percival, Arthur raised his voice. “What’s going up there?!”

“You should hang on, Kilgharrah spotted something he didn’t like.” I glanced back, gripping Kilgharrah’s scales tighter.

“What does that mean?” Gwaine glanced around as Kilgharrah dived angrily. Instantly, Gwaine was thrown from his seat, only kept on the dragon by Percival’s quick reflexes. Gwaine screamed as he held onto Percival for dear life.

Crashing through the trees, Kilgharrah slammed his claws on the ground, surrounding the trees on fire.

Morgana’s men screamed, jumping out the way as she crashed to the side. Laughing, Osanne grinned. “Take that! Witness the power of the dragons!” Holding up her hands, she watched the dragon harshly squashing all of Morgana’s men.

“Alright, everyone off!” I screamed, sliding off Kilgharrah and landing harshly on the ground. Arthur and the knights stumbled as Athe landed with ease. Athe rushed forward, approaching the cage as her eyes lit up. She rushed out the spell causing the lock to burst open.

Instantly, Lou burst out. Osanne grabbed his saddle, taking a seat and taking to the sky.

Morgana couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Why were these people beating her?!

Whistling, I caught Lou’s attention, making a motion that only we knew. Nodding, the dragon spun around, his eyes narrowing on the whimpering dragon. Grabbing her, Lou tightened his claws around her wings, easily carrying her without hurting her.

She fought back, crying out for Morgana who screamed. Her magic burst out as Athe jumped between them, protecting Lou as he got out of range.

“You’re going to regret that,” Morgana announced, glaring at Athe who grinned.

“And you’ll regret going against us.” Swinging the sword around her, Athe charged forward, slicing down. Magic hit against magic, sparks flying around. The fire continued to rage around them, a rampaging dragon burning down the forest.

Arthur turned to Morgana, charging forward before I could tell him not to.


Morgana growled, panting as she stood in the centre of the massive energy blast. Everyone had been knocked down, even Kilgharrah. “What is happening?! What are you doing here with magic uses and the great dragon?! You hate magic but you would use them to attack me?! How hypercritical!” Laughing insanely, we all backed away. “I’m going to destroy you and take the throne!”

Frowning, I looked around the forest. This place seems familiar. Grinning, I came up with the dumbest idea I ever have. “No!”

“No?! What do you think you can do to stop me?! You’re just a servant boy.”

“We can run.” Tapping my foot, I grinned. “Now!”

As a group, every magic-user blasted the floor. The ground shook, beginning to destabilise and crumble. The underground caves fell apart, collapsing in on themselves.

Grabbing my hand, Yvain grinned. “Can I just say, I love this plan?”

“Alright kids, you know what to do! Run!” Charging away from the caves, we abandoned Morgana and her men. Kilgharrah took back to the sky, catching Gwaine as he almost fell into the collapsing tunnels.

Rushing through the trees, we didn’t stop. It was like back then. Running through the trees from whatever Merliny situation we had caused. Arthur ran beside us, huffing and puffing to keep in front of the rapidly disappearing ground.

Arthur was going to fall. Squeezing Yvain’s hand, I let go, grabbing Arthur and throwing him over the last of the collapsing caves, falling from their view.

“Merlin!” Yvain ran to the edge, his eyes widening with fear. “Merlin!”

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