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I went back to the clubhouse having more to say to Jax. I had so much to say to him and if Tara is here then she's not gonna like her own outcome.

i walked into the clubhouse after noticing the garage was closed.

When I walked in they all went quiet and I seen tara by Jax comforting him.

"awe look it's comforting Jackson." I voiced making them both look at me.

"you ok baby?" Gemma asked

"Ask me that before I leave" I tell her

she nodded her head as Jax stood up and dropped his hand from Tara.

"you cheated on me twice with that trash. so here are your options Jackson." I say

"He doesn't need to have you giving him options" Tara said

I looked at her before reaching behind my back where I kept my gun hidden and I pulled it and pointed it right at her.

"talk again and I'll shoot you" I tell her not once looking from Jackson.

"Now Jackson... here is your options. One you and I divorce, you leave me and our sons cause there is no fucking chance in hell I'm signined my right of them two over to your little highschool trash. and you lose the greatest woman to ever love you and stick by your side in ways only I could. or option 2 being you and I stay married, I do my part of the agreement the two of us had should one of us cheat on the other. you get pissed at me for a while then we move on as if nothing ever happened. our sons never find out that you stepped out on mine and your marriage and they never worry about daddy never coming home to tuck them in and spend time with them. make sure you choose wisely Jackson. dont make a huge mistake that you'll later regret" I say to him

"don't have to..." 

I shot Tara making her scream out.

I looked over at her seeing I shot her arm.

"didn't I say shut up or I'd shoot you?" I asked

she clenches her arm as she stares at me.

"keep talking and it will be worse" I warned before turning my attention back to Jackson.

"well.... I'm waiting" I tell him

"option two" he says

"lovely. and smart choice Jackson"  tell him


since she wouldn't shut up I shot her ass again this time in the leg making her collapse.

"shut the fuck up," I tell her 

I turned my attention right back to my husband.

"now Jackson do tell me did she come here to tell you if she's pregnant or not?" I asked

"she's not she showed me the test results she had the doctor run and it came back negative" he replied

"grand," I say 

"what's the deal the two of you had?" Gemma asked

"Why don't we let Jackson explain that," I say 

"she and I agreed that if one of us cheated on the other and we didn't break up or divorce should we be married. then we could sleep with whoever we wanted as pay back and it not be considered cheating." Jax says

"So that said I get to choose who I will fuck in terms of pay back for you fucking trash" I say

He nodded in agreement.

When Tara managed to stand up she went towards Jax but he moved away from her and made his way over to me.

"How could you be with someone like her?" she asked

I rolled my eyes tired of hearing her talk.

"she shot me for nothing" Tara exclaimed 

"Yea and if you keep running your mouth I'll do it again," I tell her

she scuffed.

"I don't know what the hell you saw in her Jackson. I mean she couldn't possibly pleasure you honestly. she couldn't shut the fuck up long enough to fuck or make love. you'd have to gag the trash to do anything" I commented

"it's a huge mistake I've made  and regret I'll learn from," he says

"good boy" I say

"now for the two I'm gonna fuck" I say as I debated who to pick.

after thanking for a moment I smirked.

"I got it. I'm gonna fuck Opie and Happy" I replied

"unless you two are opposed to it" I say

"no" they replied

"good" I say going to put my gun away but Tara ran her mouth so I shot her again before I left.

A Love Ment To Be  (( completed)) (short story  & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now