Chapter 5

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Louis is currently pacing his room trying to make sure that he has everything packed, they leave for the football tournament in the morning. The past two weeks went seemed to fly by for Louis, There were more then not bad days where he had some horrible run ins with Josh but he had a few days where he managed to avoid Josh and his friends all together. Thankfully his mum has been home for the past two weeks, and true to Harry's words Jay was waiting for him arms wide open.


"Li, Harry hurry mum and Dad are home!" Louis shouts grabbing both boys hands and pulling them out of the mall. "Louis calm down they will still be there when we get home." Liam chuckles. "But Li i wanna see mum!" Louis pouts. "Lou we will get there, just breathe kiddo." Harry says attempting to calm the younger boy down. Pouting Louis takes a deep breath before looking up at Harry. "Can we please hurry now?" Louis begs. Both boys smile at the younger one before nodding and picking up speed to make it home.

By the time Liam is pulling into the driveway Louis has his seat belt unbuckled and he is opening the door to racing inside once the car in in park. His little feet carrying him up the driveway over the lawn and into the front door. "Mum!' Louis cries entering the house.

"Louis Darling" Jay smiles coming into the front entrance arms wide open for Louis. Wasting no time, he sprints to his mum pulling her in for a long tight hug. "Mum" Louis sighs. "How is my Boobear doing?'" Jay asks. " 'M good mum, i missed you so much. Three weeks is way to long for you to be gone." Louis squeezes tighter as if afraid that if he lets go his mum will disappear.

"I missed you too baby." Jay releases the hug and looks up to see Harry and Liam standing in the doorway smiling. "Liam, Harry! How are you boys?" "Liam smiles walking forward and pulls Jay into a hug. "Hi Mum, I am good. How was the trip?" Liam asks his mother. Now technically Liam Jay is Liam's step mum, as her and his dad married when the boys were both very young. Liam was 5 and Louis was only 3. Liam's mother had passed away very early in Liam's life and Louis father left before he was even born. So Jay is and always will be Liam's mum.

"It was great, long but great." Jay looks over to Harry. "And you Harry my dear, taking care of my boys?" Jay opens her arms for Harry. Harry is like a part of the family to Jay he is another son. With Anne Harry's mum always working late shifts or off with her new boyfriend she is hardly home, and Harry spends many days at the Payne/Tomlinson house. "Of course" Harry chuckles.

"I'm glad, i know Louis loves having you around." Jay whispers sending Harry a wink. Harry just chuckles. "He's a good kid." Jay smiles. "Now are you boys hungry? Geoff and I were thinking of ordering some Chinese food?" She offers.

"Starving!" Liam smiles "Where is dad?" "He's up in his study." Liam nods and heads upstairs towards his fathers study to say hello. Jay turns to head to the kitchen to order the dinner leaving Harry and Louis alone in the entrance.

Harry turns to face Louis smiling. "I told you she would be waiting arms open for you." Louis says nothing but gives Harry a hug before quickly releasing realizing what he did, cheeks pink in embarrassment. "S-sorry" "It's okay love, i like hugs." he chuckles before walking upstairs to go find Liam, leaving an embarrassed Louis behind.

*End of Flashback*

Jay and Geoff left again yesterday for another business trip, both were happy to hear that Louis was going on the trip with Liam this way he was not stuck at home alone. Louis has only been left alone once and that was for 2 days, while Liam was gone on a football tournament and he did not fair well during the two days. He hardly slept scared that some was going to break into the house, he spent most of this day curled up in his room hiding under his blanket, wishing that time would go by faster. Since then Jay has ensured that their trips and Liam's tournaments do not overlap. Worried that the younger lad would not do well alone again.

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