Part 3

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"Ewan. Ewan." I shifted my gaze from the floor to the person who had called me.

"Yes, Mother?" I replied.

"What were you thinking about? Looked like you were in deep thought." Mother raised her eyebrow inquisitively. There was a short halt. Like she was restraining from pushing any further. "I came to tell you to clean up. Look at your room, young man."

"Alright, alright. I'll fix it." I raised my arms in surrender and chuckled softly. My somewhat of a laugh came out more bitter than I intended it to. I blamed it on the ideas currently swimming in my mind.

"Your father left just now. He said something about work and your uncle. I'm not sure if he's gonna come back this time," she said. Her face instantly fell and she shook her head wearily. I peered over at her. Fatigue drew her eyelids nearly shut and wrinkles were etched in between her eyebrows slightly above the bridge of her nose.

"Mom, let's not worry about that for now. Okay? He comes back if he does and if he doesn't appear then well..." I paused. "It's for the better," I said gravely.

"Oh come on. Don't be so harsh on your father. He's a good man." There she goes, forehead wrinkled and eyebrows creased together tightly.

"Yeah right. Keep telling yourself that, Mom. You know what he has done." I sat there wide eyed, utterly shocked at what I had just blurted out. Why couldn't I keep my mouth shut?

"What do you mean? Have you been sneaking around the house and listening to things you're not supposed to?" Her voice became hard and face stone cold.

I gulped.

"No, Mother. I-It's not what you think." I wiped my palms that were now damp on my joggers. "I didn't mean to. I was coming down for breakfast. I swear I sprinted up the stairs like a jaguar right after." I watched her expression, curious to see if she had bought my awful lie.

She sighed.

"Deal with your room." She gestured to the floor. Mom left, slowly and quietly closing the door behind her.

I shoved my clammy hands into the deep pockets of my skinny jeans and paced around my messy room.

I knew for a fact that Derek's parents were busy all the time, going on business trips even during public holidays. Everyone knew. He hosted a party once, which I didn't attend. Or rather was not invited to. News spread like wildfire at school and I was able to know where he lived. Maybe I could just go and take a peek, he wouldn't find out. 

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