Part 4

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That was when the front door burst open. Father had managed to stumble back to our house. I, on the other hand, had managed to clear up my room despite my conscious telling myself not to do what I was thinking of doing. I made my way downstairs in order to ensure nothing happened to my mom. She could be naggy sometimes and easy going at others, but she was the one who showed that she cared the most for me. I'd have to admit, she was a bit shortsighted when it came to Father. You never knew what would happen. He drank all the time, he had chocolate-brown shaggy hair, always brash and short tempered. My mom had shiny black hair, fair skin, and a kind, positive energy to her. They were total opposites. Father seemed to like wallowing in dirt and grease while Mom was organized and at times a clean freak. This made me wonder how I suddenly had red hair.

I peered around the corner. My heart started thumping in my chest, afraid that Father would lash out at Mom. Mother and Father stood at the doorway of our little humble home. The door was still flung wide open, creaking faintly as the wind blew against it. The handle was attached loosely onto the splintered door, and would make awful squeaking noises every time somebody would put pressure on it.

"You can't keep coming home like this, Eric," Mother said softly, knees shaking ever so slightly.

"You have no right to boss me around, woman!" His eyes were bulging and even more bloodshot than mine were. He wobbled about like a captain holding on for dear life as the ocean swallowed him along with his beloved ship. Then he finally took hold of the kitchen counter with his big calloused hand.

"Please, Eric. For the wellbeing of our family. For Ewan, our son," Mother replied desperately, tears welling up in her eyes.

Father didn't answer. Instead, he lifted his palm as a threat. It was as if my body had a mind on its own, it had made its way down the steep staircase, my legs were like pinwheels animated in a cartoon show. I rushed down the stairs in a hurry, sliding across the maplewood floor in my threadbare socks and stepping bravely in front of mom.

"HEY, HEY, HEY! Don't you dare," I rasped out, my voice cracking at the end.

The man in front of me blinked, staring at me blankly. Body tensed, wavering in frustration as he let his hand fall to his side.

"I don't know you anymore, Eric." Mother collapsed on the floor, sobbing in despair. I watched the woman I once recognized as strong, crumble and break down on the floor, heart wrenched in pain. I then nudged Father out of the house and closed the door harshly behind his frozen figure. Mom had stopped rocking back and forth on the floor. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her. She lifted her head to look at me with an embarrassed expression, lips quivering, tears still streaming down her face. She swallowed and nodded her head at me.

"Thanks," she let out in a whisper.

I held her there on the floor, unsure of what to do next. I had never expected it to go like this. That night, I tossed and turned in bed, legs tangled in my comforter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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