Chapter 1- my darling baby

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Hi if your here to read my story welcome i may be bad at the storytelling and you may not understand it but I'll try my best to make it sound sense ( bad spelling and sentences sorry) but anyway please enjoy
"= speaking
() = more then one person
Ruby. Pov

As I look out the window with my nine month old bump
"I hope you will grow happy my darling baby"

Even tho you won't grow up with a father I'll make sure you grow up happy

5 hours later

"I found a husband for you my dear daughter"

( WHAT!! ) I yelled along with my older brothers

"But father! Ruby is about to give birth any day now , how can you find her a husband at a time like this!?"
My brother Enzo said

"That's right father how am I supposed to get married wen I'm about to give birth, dose he even know I'm having a baby?"

I'm giving birth to The baby of the man I fell in love with but was to late to realize it....

"Of course he knows but luckily he still agreed to marry you ,isn't that great!

I don't usually show a mean face but I was just so mad I think I wasn't the only one my brothers were doing a mad face too


Ah great! The asshole is speaking!😒

"What do you think of this , we can call it off"

Finally something we can agree on!

"that's not possible"


" i already said yes , and he won't take it back"

( silent...)

( WHAT!!!)

"Father shouldn't you come to me before making decisions about my marriage life!!!"

"Your marriage life has failed five times"

My brother Enzo yelled


I can't believe he said that... my marriage fail's would be four if it wasn't for you stupid first son !!

"Now let's stop the discussion here and go to your rooms we will discuss it more tomorrow"

( yes father...)

I want to cry.....

Time skip to tomorrow

Im not ready today I don't feel like getting up wen I know what I learn today ....

"Lady your father is calling you"


"I be there"

As I got up to get changed I saw how much my stomach has grown of course because of my pregancy but I can't believe there is a human being in me right now that will be born any day now

As I walked to the living room I saw that the maids were whispering something but I don't know what?

As I walked in I saw my two brothers there they were really mad Enzo seem really mad then yesterday

"Her new husband has already have 10 -12 wives?!"

Enzo yelled


I'm speechless!

"Oh rub-"


Do you think I be calm you old bastard!

" now ruby that is no way to speak to your father"

" how can she speak to you wen she is going to marry a man who already have so many wives"

Cecare said to father with a low calm voice

Shut up you asshole you are the one who ruined my last marriage!!

" now ruby , yes your husband has already have many wives but he agreed to marry you for a great deal out of it he will except your children into his family so don't worry about it"

A deal!? You made your daughter marry a man for a deal!! what is wrong with this world, who I am kidding it's normal In this world to have a harem

"Now since ruby is here we will discuss how the marriage will go"

Kill me right now 🥲

"Yes father..."

I sat down next to my brother Enzo while Cecare look at me with a wired face ( he such a perv 😒)

Father explain to us ( me ) how the marriage will go he will allow my children live in his children, he also won't do a first night with me at all ( thank goodness😅) but he won't act like a father for my children ( what's the point of marrying me and keep my children wen you won't act like a Father too them😒) but okay that's fine by me, I agreed on most of them the other discussions were not to my liking but my opinion won't be heard by my father anyway so I wasn't going to say anything,

Time skip= night

God today was tiring!! All this marriage ugh!!
It feels like wen I worried about back wen I tried my hardest to get izeck's favor......


Why do I still think of him ,why do I still feel pain into chest wen I think of  him , is it because he is the father of my baby or...

I still love him..

Im going to cry....

No!! I must not cry such a dumb thing....

But he was my first love.. I just seem to not let go of the time I spent with him I miss him so much if only I wasn't so afraid of Cecare .. could we been happy together in the north, if I did I will still be with him and Ellen, andymion, sir Ivan, princess aria, Leah, popo, griffin, and the frost dragon. All my friends are far away from me some I lost trust from I guest that is my fault huh...

I think I need to stop with these bad thoughts and go to bed my child must not here her mother sad thoughts they may get sad too

Good night my darling baby

Hey guys thank for reading I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my story I hope you like it anyway I make sure to write more okay Bey!!!

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