Chapter 3- my darling babys

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Ruby pov:

Is this a joke am I really going to have a baby right now I can't believe it


As I was trying to think what was happening to me right now a pain quickly flew through my body

I need to call someone!

"Help! Please!!"

I screamed loudly hoping someone or anyone can here me

While I was screaming some maids came in

"My lady are you alright?!"
One of the maids said

"Of course she not okay she is screaming for help!?"
One of the other maids said

"Please... doctor"
I said with pain, I barely can talk

( Oh my! )
Most of the maids said realizing the problem

"Yes my lady! Quickly call the doctor, you there! Stay with me to take care of the lady!"

The maids quickly followed order from one of the maids maybe she is the head maid ?

I was quickly put into bed goodness I was In so much pain !

" please hold on my lady the doctor will come shortly"
The one I think is the head maid said.

I hope he comes quickly I can't bear this pain any longer!

As the maid said the doctor came with worried face

"Oh my I surely thought you would deliver the baby for two days but it seem I was wrong"
The doctor said

"Uhhhhh!!! Please hurry up I can't take this pain any longer"

As I said that the doctor quickly did what I said

"Alright my lady I need you to breathe slowly and wen I count to 3 push alright"
The doctor said with a serious tone

"Al.. alright" I managed to say

As the doctor count to three I pushed it may have been 10 minutes or more after I heard a baby crying but then I relieved something I still felt pain could that mean....

" alright my lady I need you to push again it seems you are having twins"
Doctor told me after handing my baby to one of the maids and was preparing to get second one

" o.. okay" I said

Twins?! I knew I felt like there could be more then one baby but I thought maybe my baby was bigger cause it was healthy, but there is actually twins I couldn't believe it

" AGH!"
The pain I can't bear it anymore

After minutes or hours they were finally born, my baby's were finally here with me I'm so happy

" what are you going to name them my lady"
One of the maids said

" uhh I do-"
I was trying to say something but then one of the maids intruded in the conversation

" I'm sorry my lady but the mothers aren't able to name the children the father is, we already informed the duke he will name the children in the morning have a nice night my lady"
The one of the maids said

As the maids left the room , i wanted to see my babies faces what they look like so wen everyone was fully gone I got out of bed to see them, I look in the crib I o most want to hold them tight and never let go, there was a boy and a girl they both have my hair color I wonder if they have my eyes but right now I should go to bed and sleep tonight was so crazy


"My lady wake up today the duke is going to give your children there names"
A maid said while opening the curtains

" oh yes wen is he coming?"
I said

" I'm already here"
The voice of my new husband said

Wow look who finally decided to show up

" hi"
I said I didn't know what to say

"Hmm let me see the babies"
He said

"Yes my lord I show you them,let me lead you"
The maid said

As they went to the babies crib i stayed in bed waiting for them to come back with the names of my babies, it's been 2 minutes and they haven't come back what are they doing

Wen they finally came back the man who is my husband had a wired face expression and the maid too

" the name for the boy is Ashli the girl is roxanna goodbye"
He said and left

So strange but whatever

" can I see my children now?"
I said to the maid who was caught by surprised cause she was in daze

" oh.. uhhh yes my lady do you need help"

"No I'm perfectly fine to walk on my own"
I said to the name who still looked nervous

As I got out of bed and went to the crib where my children are the maid keep looking at me strange but I ignored it for now, as I walked to the crib I saw well I herd that my children giggling, wen I looked in I saw my baby's they had my hair color, as looked at them they started to open their eyes the boy has my eyes and the girl.....

Has his eyes....

Maybe the reason why the maids looked at me weirdly was because she thinks my new husband is the father cause of her eyes but thats just a guess

"I hope you grow beautifully" I whispered to my baby's

But now I'm still tired I will go

" I'm gonna go rest"

"Yes my lady!"
The maid said

Good night my darling baby's.

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