Why i havent been making chapters for any of my books

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Soooo I was completely wrong about the theory from last time but theorist never give up and find new theories I'm just not gonna do any more miraculous theories for now. I'm guessing you're all wondering why I haven't been making stories and well since you live miraculous ladybug your probably gonna love what I've been stuck in lately... I know some friends read this so they'll be teasing me about this for weeks which is why I'm not saying any names and will literally refer to them as the miraculous characters because that's how similar they are! Now my bestie alya is an amazing person even if she is a bit dark sometimes and we love making fnaf theories but anyways alya has been making jokes that I'm Marinette and here's why...

-Adrien is a very sweet guy who I kinda really really really like I explain more in the fluttercord story in one chapter... so anyways his birthday was the other day and I've liked him for years and I'm not joking this is since the 4th grade and Im a senior! So anyways I've decided to give up on him. There's always this girl in lunch and her friend literally calls her queen bee and she's ALWAYS copying me remind you of something? Then I have a friend who is a bit mean sometimes and does martial arts but is helpful and nice on occasion so she's Kagami for sure then I'm not gonna talk about the love triangle thing because im already stuck in it and it's really annoying like Luka even plays guitar just like well the actual Luka. Rose and Julika are some really sweet people I know of course one is extremely dark while the other is a ray of sunshine. Then I have a friend who likes to go roller skating sometimes and always wants to hang out but I'm always busy and she reallyyyy reminds me of Alex and well I think you get the point by now. But yes I have my own Luka and Adrien situation and I'm dying here help! Oh did I mention me and Alya also make plans all the time I'm giving that up because we made a bet I can't last a year without falling for him again seriously someone help😓 did I mention I'm gonna be a fashion designer...or well planning to be

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