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I know I just uploaded the other thing but I want to know one thing does anyone want me to make a Q and A book? No asking for my name or my friends names but you can ask me anything else ALSO no insulting my friends or you will be banned! I care about my friends and if any of you insult them well let's just say your gonna have a bad time😾 yes I just made a sans reference leave me alone! You also will be able to ask dares but only things I can do that aren't suicidal or insane where i can go to jail or making me do something that is weird in anyway! Thank you and let me know if I should even though I'm terrified about what you all are gonna ask...maybe I shouldn't put dares because I have a feeling someone will dare me to send Adrien something..... also one more rule I will NEVER reveal my face or my friends faces without their permission! Infact if I do a Q and A book just please be respectful thanks let me know if I should make one bug out♥️

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