Chapter 4

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Annie's POV

I woke up the next day at exactly 6 am. It was a wednesday. I stretched my arms out, and looked around my room, until it hit me. The lump in my stomach was big. I felt like I had lost something. I knew what it was.

But the thing is, she wasn't actually gone. Lauren wasn't dead. I don't know where she is, but she's out there somewhere. And only I know that. I looked over her letter. I turned it over and just stared at the letters she once wrote.

My mom told me I didn't have to go to school. I actually wanted to. I didn't want to be alone. I want to see Brandon. She gives me a sympathetic look and touches my shoulder. I give her my best smile, and walk out the door. Lexi, my sister walked up to me.

"Bye Annie!" She smiled at me. My mother didn't tell her what happened yet. She was only six years old. I gave her a smile too and hugged her. She has her own bright green eyes, and long dark brown hair.

I hopped into my car, and rode off to school.

"Hey," I turned around and saw Brandon. He wasn't smiling.

"Hey," I mumbled. We stood there for a while, but then I stopped pretending I was strong and started to cry. Not uncontrollably, like yesterday, but enough to make it called crying. I felt Brandon's arms wrap around me, and I rested my head on his shoulder. We sat down on the curb. You couldn't here me cry, it was silent.

I composed myself and wiped away my tears. Luckily I was prepared for this, so I had worn waterproof makeup. "Listen," I turned around and reached into my bag. I pulled out the letter from Lauren. "I need you to read this. But I just want you to know, that I still am worried this is just a false alarm or-"

Brandon reached for it and took it. He looked at me reassuringly and I nodded. He opened it carefully, and unwrapped the paper. After a minute, Brandon's eyes were wide. "Are you sure this isn't-"

"Fake?" I finished for him and shook my head. "I have, but it's her handwriting. I don't know."

"Why would she leave?" He was as blind as I was. I shrugged.

"That's why I need your help." I stood up. "Do you trust me?"


"Do you trust me?"

He stood up. and smiled at me. I guessed it was a yes.


It's been over two weeks of trying to figure out where Lauren went, and why. She was never the secretive type, so I don't understand. Where could she have gone?

"Hey look, you see Stephanie right there?" Brandon pointed to the girl with black long hair and blue eyes talking to Jake Harrison, a bleach blond boy one day. I nodded. He looked at me. "I got invited to her party-"

"Of course you did," I rolled  my eyes as I began to walk away.

He grabbed my arm. "But wait, I'm taking you."

I met his eyes and let go of me. "I don't think I can go."

"I haven't even told you what day it is," he replied.

"When is it," I sigh.

"This Friday," he says.

"Okay fine," I really should. I've been spending my weekends cooped up in my room reading books ever since Lauren left. Wherever she is.

"This will help you get over everything that's happened," he says like he read my mind.


The music blared as we walked into Stephanie's already trashed house. half empty red cups sat around the living room. A couple was making out on the couch, the girl with one hand on her plastic cup. Family portraits lined the hallway, the bathroom occupied by a girl throwing up. The smell of alcohol reeked and outside boys were jumping into the pool with their clothes on.

Her little SecretsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora