Chapter 5

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Flash back-

"Daniel, we need to talk," I looked down at the tile floor of his kitchen.

He groaned. "Please tell me we aren't talking about our relationship."

"Unfortunately, we are," I sighed. He was sitting on the couch in the living room watching a football game. I moved towards the room, and looked at him. I could see him looking back in the corner of his eye and he smirked.

"What now?" He said as he motioned for me to sit next to him. Instead I sat in the chair on the side. His smirk went away and be looked confused.

"I don't think- I just don't think that we are working out." I said quickly, before I regretted it.

His black eyes squinted at me. "What do you mean babe?"

"I mean I'm breaking up with you ," I blurted out.

"C'mon babe," he looked at me as if he thought I was kidding. Daniel edged towards me and tried putting his arms around me. I quickly swat them away.

"I mean it," I said steadily, looking straight at him.

His teeth became clenched together and his eyes darted. Instead of moving away, he reached for my should, and in milliseconds he held it, tight.

"What do you mean babe?" He repeated. "What do you mean? I treat you right and this is what you do? You break up with me? What do you mean?" He was yelling now, his grasp getting stronger.

I was close to tears. I promised myself not to cry. Don't cry Annie, don't cry, I told myself as I closed my eyes, trying to get out of his grasp. I felt like I needed to scream. I needed someone.



"Hey you," I snapped back into reality as I heard Brandon's voice.

"Uh. I've got to go, I'll see you around," I stuttered.

"Oh. Okay," I heard him say as I turned my back to him. I felt his eyes still lingering. I knew why I did that. The memory of Daniel just reminded me- I barely even knew anything about Brandon. Why am I pouring my heart out to him when I barely know him? I shouldn't trust him so easily. Especially since what had happened with Daniel.

At lunch Brandon waved at me. "Hey."

I just smiled blankly. It was fake. I knew Brandon could tell. I had to keep things to myself though. And he needed to know I'm not an open book to him. I am not vulnerable.

"So listen," I start to say as we sit down at a table. "I was thinking about the Lauren thing. I think I should start looking into that again. But alone."

He looked at me, puzzled. "I told you I would help you Annie," he replied.

"I know. I just think that, I need to do this myself. I think she'd want me to do this alone," I mumbled looking at my lunch.

"Well if you want to. I guess it's fine," he still looked at me, confused. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "I just feel kind of... Faint. I'll be right back," I head towards the bathroom. I could feel my legs beginning to wobble, and black splotches were forming in my eyes. My palms were sweaty. The last I saw before I fell was the students in the lunch line.


"Annie? Are you okay? Annie?" I heard. My head pounded and I couldn't see anything, or anyone. I tried to talk, but all that came out was a moan. What was happening? What had happened? I tried standing up, but then my head felt like it was about to fall off if I sat up any more than I had.

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