Chapter 7

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Annie's POV:

It's been three days. Three days since the incident. Well- there were three incidents actually, and they occurred simultaneously. 

The first: the first was the note from Lauren. It's hard for me to understand it. Something must have been really going bad in her life. There are so many questions to be answered. If that wasn't Lauren lying on the hospital bed, then who was it? Do her parents know? Her parents seemed very upset, how can you fake that? 

The biggest thing I feel is guilt. How could I, her best friend, not know about something that is making her fake dead and disappear? How? Guilt. It creeps on me in class, or when I'm just about to go to bed. The feeling never ends. 

The Second: the second was Brandon's secret. More guilt spread upon me. How could I not realize something like this? Something so similar to me. And here I have been, complaining and whining about my life to him. I know exactly how he is feeling: trapped, alone. I need to be there for him. Why haven't I?

The Third: OH crap what did I just do I kissed him? I did kiss him. Hormonal me, I kissed him. Oh wait, he just left. He left and didn't say anything. What was that suppose to mean? What did that mean for us? Oh my gosh I am an idiot. Plus relationships don't work out for me - I can't do this. I have to tell him the next time I see him. 


The bell snapped me back into reality. What class was this? Science. Science. Which meant Brandon. Those three incidents rapidly go through my head every minute of the day now. How am I going to concentrate on a Monday with three important things going on?

Brandon came in the door late, his books jumbled in his hands and one of his converse laces was untied. He looked like a mess. He mumbled an apology to our teacher and we made eye contact. Quickly he turned away. However, he had to sit next to me - after all, we were lab partners. I decided to be brave and talk to him.

"Hi," I said quietly so no one around could hear us. He had one foot leaning on the desk as he tied his shoe. 

He looked up and smiled. "Hey."

"I see you're looking ready for this Monday," I said sarcastically, laughing at his messed up hair. 

He rolled his eyes playfully. But that's it- that's all I got from him. No funny comeback, no teasing. Absolutely nothing. I sat back in my chair and tried to pay attention to the class. My smile had faded away.


"Annie!" I heard behind me. "Annie wait!"

I turned around to see an out of breath Brandon. I smiled faintly not knowing what to think of it. "Yes Brandon?"

"It seems like you've been avoiding me," he smirks and puts his arm around my shoulder, "You can't do that for very long you know." I laugh and look around to see if anyone sees us.

"Oh, you know I haven't," I smile up at him. My eyes trail past his face and onto another familiar face staring. Far away. It was Daniel. My smile was immediately swallowed and regretted. I looked down and wiggled my way out from under Brandon's arm. 

He began to face me. "Okay well I'm taking you to the beach. You can leave your car here."

"Right now?"

"Yes right now!" He smiled and led me to his car. 

I always loved sitting in the passengers seat, watching all the houses and trees and people disappear, and move quickly by. All of a sudden it stopped. Brandon got out of the car. I had realized we were here. 

He opened the door for me and took my hand. I blushed as he took me toward the ocean. This time, I didn't let go of his hand. We got to the shoreline. 

"One time, in the middle of the night, I found my dad here. He was drunk. I had followed his car and it led me here. I watched him throw his beer bottle into the ocean, and I thought, I am never going to be like him. I don't have to be like him," Brandon looked down.

I gripped his arm now. "You're right Brandon, you don't have to be like him. And I know for a fact that you will never be like him. I promise," I look up at him.

Brandon looked out to the ocean. "I know you think that, but it's all hereditary. My dad's dad did this to him. He thought the same thing. Now I'm just next in the running. 

"If you think like that you will be. You have to think positive," I grabbed both of his hands and led him to the ocean. I faintly smiled as I saw a grin emerge on his face. 

"Annie...We're fully clothed, what are you doing?" He asked skeptically. I kept leading him toward the ocean. We were about knee deep now.

"Oh nothing," I smiled slyly. With all of my body weight, I pushed him into the ocean. However, I didn't realize the repercussions of it - he dragged me in with him. The cool sea water kissed my skin. 

I emerged for air. "I can't believe you just did that!" I shouted at him.

"Hey, you're the one that got us into this mess," He grinned sheepishly. His face was close to mine. I saw his eyes travel down to my lips. Mine immediately did the same to his.

All of a sudden, I felt his grip around my waist and the weight of the world on my lips. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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