Part One: What does it mean to be Sovereign?

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Let's be honest, the current state of living is quite pitiful. Like I mentioned in the introduction, we are forced to go to school from a very young age (not learning anything of importance might I add), we might even decided to go to college after, which is the biggest rip off of them all (more on that in a different section). Then we join the workforce, how lovely! We, in order to survive, must punch a time clock and work meaningless jobs for bosses that don't give a rats ass about us, and even then, we might not be able to meet our most basic needs. That sounds terrible, doesn't it? Most conservatives won't agree, and they'll respond with: "You're just lazy and don't want to work! I was raised to work for what I have! Grr!" That's the thing, I don't think anyone is really opposed to working and putting in effort, as long as the effort they are putting in gives them equal and satisfying results, which is almost never the case. 

We will dive into the workforce later on, as that is quite a topic of interesting discussion, and also where the most scrutiny lies. But the reason it has been brought up in this section briefly is because everything the workforce violates this one law of nature, and it is very simple: We are all sovereign. Before I dive into that, let's define what it means to be sovereign and what makes us so. 

The word "sovereign" means "a supreme ruler" or "possessing supreme or ultimate power". When I say that everyone is sovereign, it means that everyone is the supreme ruler of themselves and only themselves. One cannot not be sovereign. Everyone on Earth is a sovereign being. And it's quite simple to understand, if you also understand that you cannot control anyone other than yourself, and that you cannot own another human being. You are quite literally your own person, and nobody has ownership over you. Not your spouse, your parents, friends, coworkers, bosses, the church, the government, nobody

And some may be asking: "What about slavery? There was a time where people literally owned other people!" Yes, that may be true, but there's a reason why that was able to happen the way that it did, and still happens today in some countries. The reason slavery was able to occur, was people slaves were unaware of their sovereignty, and were made to feel as though they were lesser than their owners, even though nobody is more worthy than another. 

We all just so happen to be slaves, the difference between then and now is that we have countless owners instead of only one. We are enslaved by government, money, social media, organized religion, you name it. I'm going to explain each of those things and more in further sections, because I know that some of you may be asking: "How can we be enslaved by money? It's a piece of paper." A piece of paper that holds a lot of meaning and value, only because we allow it to have value. 

That is the point of all of this, that we give everything value, even when it doesn't have any at all.  And my job is to inform people of the truth, and why the things I listed above are true, regardless of your feelings, political stance, beliefs, wealth, etc. 

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