Part Two: The "Education" System

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Life would probably be better for all of us if we were just able to admit that school is just a huge daycare center. They keep children and teens in a depressing and dull, brick building for seven hours a day, five days a week, teaching them useless garbage that nobody will ever need afterwards. Yes, it's true what all the kids say while in school! You will never utilize (mostly) anything you learned in school! The most important things you learned were probably your ability to add and subtract in the first grade. Beyond that, school is just a way to keep kids busy so that their parents may still have working lives outside of their children. 

School drains children of all creativity and innocence. I was asked countless times as a teen to put away my notebook and to stop writing so that I could listen to a boring lecture about King Arthur, for which I zoned out anyways. Children would much rather be using their brains in creative and inventive ways, rather than learning from a set curriculum that hasn't really been updated for years. Children try to be creative in their own time, but then, school gives you mounds and mounds of work to do at home, which ends up taking up most of their time, leaving no room to create anything of importance. 

My husband is an extremely smart man, with an IQ over 130, and what do you think he's done with his brain? Nothing. At least not when it comes to finding a job or schooling. He realized early on that school is a joke. That modern day schooling was created for those of average intelligence, not for people like him, who can easily excel at any subject you throw at them. It is quite an interesting fact that those with a higher IQ tend to do worse in school, which I will not get into at the moment, and will probably save that for a completely separate book all together. But knowing that face to be true, all of the "gifted" children tend to grow up depressed and unmotivated. It's quite sad really. 

The whole point is that children long to create, and to explore what interests them so that they can focus on studying those things instead of a set course of study. And that course of study is expected to teach everyone, as if children are all the same. 

Teachers are not educating, they are teaching children to be obedient. "Take the information I give to you, regardless of if you find it interesting or not. Do weeks of homework on it. Then I will give you a test to prove that you have put time into learning this useless garbage, and if you do poorly, I will give you a grade which will ultimately determine your self worth". They are preparing children for the workforce, preparing them to be obedient worker bees that will do anything their bosses say. School doesn't teach science, math, and literature. It teaches children the they are owned by their superiors, and therefore must do what they say, or else they will reap the consequences. 

In school, you must do what the teacher says or else you get a bad grade, but in the real world, you don't do what your boss says and you get fired and potentially become homeless. Our value is derived from how well we are able to obey, and I find that pretty sad. 

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